Chapitre Seize

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As Hanji was helping the Special Operations Squad with the Head, she heard the clicking of high heels behind them. The brunette turned around, gun in hand, and aimed for the figure that was behind her.

" Stop right where you are!"

" Hanji? That's you right?"

The voice sounded familiar to Hanji, and once she saw who the voice belonged to her eyes widened.

" Mikasa?"

" Don't worry, I know what you're doing. Eren told me, and I want to help if that alright with you."

Hanji reaches for her earpiece and spoke, " Hey, could I have Eren, Levi, and Erwin come out here for a minute?"

She heard the car doors open and close and then the footsteps of the three men she summoned.

" What's going on Hanji?" Levi asked.

" Is that Mikasa?" Eren questioned.

" Yes, that's her alright. She said she wants to help us, so Erwin? What do you think?"

" I hardly know anything about her, so if I may ask, would you be willing to explain Eren?"

" She's my adoptive sister, and well she joined with the SL so she could be closer with her family. Which I suppose would be Levi."

" I guess so. I never knew my cousin was in the organization I was working for. Mikasa, why? Why did you join?! You must've known it was dangerous to join, Hell, it's just you, mom, and myself left now! We're the only ones left in the Ackerman family!"

" Like Eren said, I wanted to be close to you so I could try and protect you. You always worried aunt Kuchel."

" Tell me Levi, how well trained is your cousin?" Erwin interrupted.

" She's almost as good as me, Erwin."

" I see. Very well, Mikasa. As long as you are willing to leave the SL then you may come with us."

" Thank you."

Mikasa bowed and followed Eren into the limo. Levi remained outside with Erwin once everyone left or went into the car.

" Erwin, I don't want her involved. Whoever the enemy is they'll take her or my mother as hostage, and I'll lose my composure. I hate to be asking you of all people this but, please, I want her somewhere safe from all of this."

Erwin places his hands on the raven's shoulders and used one hand to raise Levi's gaze up to his eyes.

" If that's what you truly want then I'll ensure her safety."

" Thank you."

Erwin guided the raven into the limo and the driver drove them back to where everyone met two days ago.

Once they arrived, the Operations Squad took the Head of the SL to a room and tied her to a chair. After which the group left. They left both the SL and Erwin for good.

Eren sat on the couch in the living room next to Levi, and told him about what he said earlier.

" The reason I started to hate doing what I did back there was because she almost reminded me of someone I used to date."

" I could understand on a certain degree. Things like this are not made to be easy, yet we push on. I'm just glad that nothing bad happened to anyone, including you."

" You know, you care about people more than you let on."

" I suppose I do now. Figure it's because I finally figured out that it's not just about my mother, it's about me and the people around me."

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