Chapitre Dix-Huit

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The car ride was silent and tense. Levi lay motionless in Erwin's lap while Eren held Annie in his arms to try and calm her down from the recent events. The three men knew that something had changed between them and they knew the source of that cause; Levi. Something about him brought a new spark they thought they would never have or feel. Erwin had been a man of whom only wanted a comfortable life with his wealth, in which would lead him to live his life in solitude. However, after coming into contact with the raven, he started to think differently about his life. After learning about what Levi has to deal with in his own life, Erwin saw that money isn't the buyer of all happiness. Instead of using it all for his own gain, the man thought he'd try and bring happiness to someone else for a change.

The change in Eren Jaeger had a greater impact on him than he had thought. After having many conversations with the raven, the brunette had come to think that his choices in the past weren't all bad. He realized that now that he had Annie in his arms once again. He knew now that he had lived a life with no regrets, and he would continue to do so until his last breath.

" Eren, do you think we can be together like we used to back in high school?" Annie asked.

Eren tightened his embrace around her and clenched his eyes shut, " Of course we can. I'll be sure that nothing like this happens again."

" You better keep to your words, Eren Jaeger." Erwin spoke through clenched teeth.

Everyone in the vehicle jumped a little when they heard Levi cough for air. Erwin responded by holding the raven close to him and speaking softly.

" It's alright, Levi. Everything will be fine, we'll get you what you need once we make it back to Headquarters."

" ... Don't make Er-en regret th-is, Erwin... You mustn't make him fee-l that way..."

Erwin remained silent for some time before looking up to Eren and chuckling.

" I guess I'm no match to Levi, even if he's been shot. I must apologize for my behavior earlier, I myself don't know what had came over me."

" It's alright, and I understand." Eren looked out the window and then back to Erwin, " I have something to ask of you, and this may seem selfish but hear me out?"

" Go ahead."

" ... I wish to take a momentary leave for a while."

" Why's that?"

" I haven't seen Annie in ten years, Erwin, so I'd like to spend time with her and make sure she recovers from this. She may be an excellent fighter and cold hearted, but she's more fragile than that. And I think you guys wouldn't need me now anyway, my emotions will only get in the way. Besides, don't you want to spend some time with Levi yourself?" Eren smiled.

" I suppose so. Though, I don't believe your emotions would change your focus on our mission."

" Believe me, they would. Well, even if you deny my request I'll still go through with it anyway."

" So why bother asking? Honestly, you're more complicated when you're like this."

" That's why I'm going to take momentary leave. Just don't tell Levi, if he asks then make up some excuse."

" You don't honestly think I'd lie to Levi just to keep your whereabouts a secret."

" I do, because you want him. You want to see him live his life happily. I know he's struck something in you, as he has with me, which is why I have to leave." Eren knocked on the window that opened to the driver, " Drop me off on the next exit, I'm not going back with you guys."

" Understood."

" Well then, this might be the last time I see you, so I wish you farewell."

Erwin nodded and once the car came to a stop, Eren and Annie got out of the limo and waved to him and the unconscious raven. The driver made way for their Headquarters.

Erwin sat on a chair next to the bed where Levi lay, still unconscious, recovering. Hanji had managed to remove the bullet and patched the raven up, now he had to remain bedridden so the wound could heal. The man next to the raven looked to the door when he heard it come open. Mikasa stood in the frame of the door, trying to hold back her tears, and came up to Levi. He sat on his bed and brought him into her arms, holding him tightly while the tears she couldn't hold back rolled down her cheeks.

" Levi! You reckless dumbass!"

" ... You mustn't yell, Mikasa... He's still in recovery..."

The girl continued to cry with her cousin in her hold.

Even though he was unconscious, Levi could still hear what was going on in the world around him. He knew that Eren had left them, he knew that he didn't keep half his promise to Mikasa, and he knew that Erwin had grown to have feelings for him. He just didn't know how to convey his share on his emotions, since he's lived most his life without them ever showing through. He found that kind of life a sad one. What's the point in living a life full of many different things and not being able to feel anything about them? That was a question Levi wanted to destroy by feeling something of his own, by feeling his own emotions.

To Levi, his mother was one out of everything in which he felt any real emotions towards. He loved her dearly, and he wanted to see her so much, just to see her smiling face. With that thought in his mind, he stirred awake with a light groan.

" ! Levi! Are you alright?! Please tell me that you are... Please..."

" ... I'm okay, Mikasa... I'm still here..." Levi hugged his cousin and looked over to Erwin, " Erwin, I want to see my mother. I haven't seen her in about a week, and I want to make sure that she's alright."

" Very well, I will bring you to her once you are well enough to move-"

" No, I want to see her tomorrow. My well-being is irrelevant. If you won't take me to her, I'll go there myself."

Erwin sighed and smiled, " I'll take you to her tomorrow then, Levi. Shall we bring Mikasa along with us?"

" No, in case our enemy follows us at least I'll know she's safe."

" Very well."

Levi lay his head onto Mikasa's shoulder to feel her embrace tighten, and shortly after he fell asleep in her arms.

AN: Here's chapter eighteen. I wrote this while listening to Code Geass OST, and the sad ones at that. That anime made me cry whenever someone died, Clovis is whole different story since we didn't get much about him other than he was Lelouch's brother. Aside from that, I'll put up yesterday's update tomorrow since I was really tired from golf practice so early in the morning for three days in a row. So since I had this chapter already written up I'll publish it for you guys and go to sleep. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

_-_To Be Continued_-_

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