Chapitre Vingt

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The moon had started to rise from the east of the sky, and the night air was cold and painful. It wasn't painful from the cold, no, it was painful because the raven's heart was frozen so badly from the reality of only a half hour.

Levi walked outside of the town and found a secluded spot where a bench sat before a lake, which had yet to freeze over, and sat down. Without his mother, he felt lost, as if he had no guide. And then there was Erwin, the very man who was responsible for protecting the one person the raven loved most. The guards weren't there because that very man ordered them to abandon the house and leave the frail woman to her own devices.

As Levi continued to look at the lake, he considered jumping in and drowning, but he knew he couldn't do that out of two reasons.

One: It would show that the raven was a coward.

And two: He knew his mother wouldn't be happy with his choice, and then he'd regret it.

But he's lost so much already: two best friends of whom he considered his older brother and younger sister, comrades within the SL, his father, and now... his mother. His heart couldn't take it. He just wanted a normal life, he never asked for any of this. His uncle practically forced it on him when he was fourteen years old.

Kenny was the one who had to keep his occupation as an assassin a secret from Levi and his sister, but then something happened and so the man went to Levi and took him to the SL. They tested his strength, endurance, speed, everything, and seemed him applicable to be an assassin at such a young age. Levi was the youngest ever to join the SL. And now here he was, in the cold night sitting on a cold, wet bench, and empty.

He couldn't feel anything at this point, not from the cold but from his emotions. So many of them raced in his mind that it caused him to not feel anything for the time being.

Eventually, the raven stood up and started walking down the path he was originally on. His hands in his pockets, and feeling his pocket knife open and close, he continued walking into the darkness until he heard someone call out in front of him.

" Levi? Is that you?"

The voice sounded familiar but Levi couldn't remember who it belonged to, more or less he couldn't think right. His head was still muddled with mixed feelings that created that fog. The voice called out again and this time, a light shone brightly in his eyes, causing him to squint from it.

" It is you! Annie, come on."

Levi perked up when he heard that name. Could it be?

" Eren and ... Annie?" He finally mustered.

" You know it! Hey, where's Erwin?"

Levi's faint smile of relief turned to one of disgust and hatred.

" Don't talk about him... He's nothing but a monster."

" Went that bad, huh?"

" What do you mean?"

" ... He didn't explain all of it, did he?"

" Explain what?! If you know something you'd better tell me!"

" I was going to tell you if we crossed paths anyway. When you were unconscious from when we rescued Annie, Erwin told me about your mother and his guards being stationed there. Then he went on saying that he'd do something about her, something where you and him wouldn't have to worry about her anymore."

" ... Are you telling me that Erwin ordered his men to kill my mother?"

" ... I'm afraid so..."

Levi snapped. He rushed after Eren and grabbed a hold of his shirt collar, before taking one hand and punching him down to the ground. Annie was about to intervene before the raven pulled out his pocket knife and pointed it at her before yelling, " Don't get in my way!"

Annie backed up with an apologetic look in her eyes when she looked at Eren on the ground. The brunette shook his head and then looked at Levi with a hurt expression.

" Listen man, I get it. I know what you're feeling, I've been down that road, but you have to move on. Did you forget what you started? It's not something that can be easily picked up by someone else to fill in your shoes. You're trying to stop the SL, the elite assassination organization."

" So what?! I don't care about that anymore! All I care about is killing that Erwin bastard!"

" What will come of it if you do?! What can you possibly hope to gain by killing Erwin?! Nothing! The prize you were after is useless now! The money that's on Erwin's head is worthless now! Don't you get it?!"

" ... Shut up, you damn brat..."

Levi proceeded in strangling the brunette, needing to take out his anger on someone, and Eren happened to be nearby.

" ... When I lost my mother because of the SL, I was devastated, just like you are now. I felt like I couldn't do anything, that I was worthless, that I was a fool for believing in that damn organization... But, Levi... you have to move on... If you do, your mother will be proud that you continued on with your life..."

The raven jerked himself away from the brunette, regaining his control, before sitting on the brunette's waist. How many times had the raven cried that day? He didn't know, but every time he shed his tears he felt a bit better about the situation. He's never cried in front of anyone though, only in front of his mother, but he needed to share his pain with someone who was alive. And Eren was right in front of him and he could relate so much to Levi. So with that, the raven's shoulders started to shake.

" It's alright now, Levi." Eren sat up and gave the raven his shoulder to cry on, whether he wanted it or not, " However, we'll still need that bastard for the plan you started. This all started when you were assigned to kill him right?" Levi nodded, " Well, since then, I've noticed, from the time I've been watching you, that he's really opened up to you. More than anyone, and I bet you right now that he's regretting his decision."

" Yeah right."

" Trust me, I know he is. He might have said some horrible things to you, didn't he? But trust me when I say this, he cares a lot about you."

Levi remained silent and calmed down before leaning back and looking at Eren.

" I'll believe you, but don't go stabbing me in the back. It's not pleasant at all."

" I'd never, especially since I got you sitting in my lap."

" You perverted brat."

Eren and Levi chuckled before the raven got off of the brunette and helped him up from the ground. The raven turned to the blonde and bowed.

" Sorry about my behavior just now." Levi stood up straight before rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, " It was uncalled for."

" No worries. I knew Eren would be fine. Knowing how many times I've beat him up."

" Hey! That's only because you make training like the real deal!"

" Eren, listen to Annie. She's pretty much got the training down on point. You need to treat your training as the real thing."

" Yeah, yeah, playboy."

" I am not a playboy!"

" You sure?"

" Why you?!"

AN: Here's chapter twenty. Ik this seems more like an Ereri moment but trust me, Eren is just here so Levi has someone to relate to when he needs it cuz I've made Erwin quite dense in the romantic area. Also, you get this early so I don't forget to publish it later today ^^ So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

_-_To Be Continued_-_

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