Chapitre Cinq

657 21 11

As the driver was driving the limo down the highway, Levi continued to look outside the window with a blank expression. He only had one thought in his head that was to see his mother and make sure that she was alright. Erwin must've picked up on his behavior because he started to talk and ask the raven some questions.

" So I've been wondering why the organization you work for wants me dead, do you know the reason?"

Levi kept his gaze outside as he spoke, " I don't, the Head would tell us different reasons as to why he wants you eliminated, but I got close once. Something about you using your earnings to create a secret organization made up of those who used to work for us. He said it was troublesome and that you were the source."

" Well I am aware that there is a group like that but I'm not the one behind it. In fact those are the ones I've been holding captive, your men I let go seeing as they didn't want to risk being near me after their attempt. It's not just your organization that's after me, someone else out there wants me dead."

It was at this point Levi had moved his gaze over to Erwin as this was news to him as well.

" So your not the one behind that? Some organization I work for, the Head will listen to anything if it involves the assassins in the organization."

" Makes me wonder just what they're hiding from you and your coworkers."

That's when Levi remembered what the Head had said to him when he was questioning him. The raven had asked him if he was the one killing off the members of the organization and recalled that the Head had evaded the question. He decided to bring that up in case they could piece something together.

" While you were at the door to the suite, before I opened the door, I had contacted the Head on the situation. He had given me orders to stand down but I had a strong suspicion that something wasn't right. I had questioned him about the order I received from him but he evaded it and disconnected from the network."

" What did you ask him?"

" I had asked if he was the one killing off the members in the organization. I found it strange, it's not in his character."

" Or maybe it wasn't him at all."

" What?"

" We'll save that for later, for now we can enjoy the ride to your house. I've always wanted to visit the countryside, it must be nice."

" It is."

Levi smiled to himself as he imagined being home in the spring with all of the trees and flowers in full bloom. The birds singing in the mornings, the warmth of the sun, the cool breeze of the wind, and the cheerful smile he'd see from his mother. He didn't want to but he drifted off into a light slumber.

The raven was awoken by Erwin as they were on a road that was all too familiar to him. Levi sat up a bit and looked at Erwin with and grateful smile.

" So where do we go from here, good sir?"

Levi moved to where Erwin was and sat across from him to give directions to the driver.

Erwin watched as his assassin was happily giving directions and giving small jokes to the driver. At first he was sure this man was stone cold and just took a wild guess on his motive of being an assassin, but it turns out he was right about it and that this man was just as human as could be. He was happy he could make his killer happy, and all of a sudden he remembered he didn't have the man's name. So he spoke up and asked.

" Say, I didn't ask before but could I know your name?"

" Oh, it's Levi. Levi Ackerman."

" Levi, it's a nice name you've got. Who gave it to you?"

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