Chapitre Quatre

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Levi grit his teeth in irritation and clicked his tongue. How in the world did this bastard know about his mother? He had to wonder how much he knew, but right now wasn't the time. Right now he needed to make a decision to either turn his back on the organization and trust this man, or turn his back on his mother and die at his hands. If anything he didn't want his mother to die because of this choice he could make, so he had no choice but to believe his target and open the door. He took in a deep breath and opened the door while still aiming his gun at his target. When he looked in the man's eyes, however, he could sense a bit of grief in them. With this he lowered his gun and was soon rushed at by the bodyguards that followed Erwin. The target turned and frowned at his protectors.

" Unhand him immediately, he's an important guest and you're demolishing my reputation. You needn't worry about him, after all we hold an important bargain against him."

The men let go of the assassin and stepped back with their heads down. The raven looked back over to the man ahead of him, but he just stood in place. He watched as his target walked around the room. He walked over to the window where Levi would've killed him through, then to where the kicked over table was, and then his bag on the bed. He watched as he rummaged through his bag but he remained unmoving.

" I see, so even the elites would've had a hard time killing me. Not that I'm surprised really, but I'm sure you would've made the shot. If you hadn't hesitated that is." The taller male put on a big grin and walked over to the raven.

Levi stood his ground. He wasn't going to falter because of sheer intimidation, only he wish he could say that. As the blonde male had closed the gap between the two, Levi had taken a single step back from him. He was ashamed of himself. He could never go back to the organization and even if he could they'd execute him on the spot. He was forced to work for this man under the assumption that he may indeed have the power and money to save his mother, he was pinned. However, just because he had to work for this low life didn't mean that he couldn't try to assassinate him. In fact this couldn't have been a more grander opportunity for him, he still had his unused shot and based on the Head's frantic questioning on whether he used it or not. Well, if the organization found out he was alive they'd have no choice but to keep him alive until he took his shot. If it misses then they'd kill him, if he made the shot hit his target then he'd get the bounty and the bonus from the organization. He'd be able to save his mother, but he was only grabbing onto thin strings thinking like that.

Using that step backwards, Levi headed for the window. He closed it and set up the table in the corner where it was. He walked back to the window and looked outside, but he wanted to be outside. Not inside where his target was in the same room as him, he just wanted to see his mother again. He leaned his head against the cold glass and put his hand against it too.

" ... Just one more time... I want to see her once more..."

Levi could hear the man walk up to him and felt his presence directly behind him. As far as the raven knew, Erwin had placed his arm against the glass and spoke lowly into his ear.

" You want to see your mother that badly?"

The raven nodded. He wanted to see her so much it would be the death of him if her couldn't see her pitiful gentle smile.

" I do..."

" I'll start with the preparations, after which you'll need to give us the address of where you live. I hope that isn't too much to ask."

" No..."

Erwin pushes off the glass and started talking to his bodyguards in preparation of their departure. Levi didn't know why this man was doing this for him, an assassin assigned to kill him, but he was grateful in a sense. Ever since he was little Levi had felt different from the other boys during his elementary years, but if anything he felt like a normal boy because his mother would always smile and take him for walks through his favorite park. He missed those days and he missed having his mother up and about, her always sharing whatever she thought was interesting and new. She was an inspiration to Levi and he aspired to be like her.

Levi walked away from the window and went to his bag on the bed. He didn't care if they saw him there or not, he was only putting his guns and knife away. He senses the bodyguards try to close in on him so he put his hands up in the air and backed away from the bed to show what he was doing. Erwin came into sight and saw what was going on and frowned once more. He walked over to Levi and put an arm around around the raven's shoulder.

" I thought I told you to stand down, he was only putting his weapons away. He has no reason to attack me, he's a new member starting tonight so treat him as an equal!"

Levi had put his arms down when Erwin wrapped his around his shoulder and was once again shocked to what he was hearing. ' Why am I feeling this feeling? And towards him of all people?! No, stop it Levi! Snap out of it! ' The raven was getting a weird vibe from himself being near his target, only the target wasn't a target.

He was a human being.

AN: So here's chapter four, I don't know if this one made any sense since I finished writing this around 7:00 AM today. So I hope you liked it and I'll see ya in the next one!!!
_-_To Be Continued_-_

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