Chapitre Vingt-Deux

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The raven had found Erwin and told him about his uncle, Kenny. As they were finishing up on creating a plan on how they were going to take down both Kenny and the SL in one fell swoop, they heard laughter in the shadows of the room they were in.

" He's in here with us." Levi announced to Erwin.

" Hé, Levi. Ça fait longtemps, n'est-ce pas? Alors, as-tu grandi depuis la dernière fois que je t'ai vu?" (Hey, Levi. It's been a while, hasn't it? So, have you grown since the last time I saw ya?)

" Coupe la merde, Kenny. Ce que vous êtes après?" (Cut the crap, Kenny. What are you after?)

" Que voulez-vous dire? Je voulais simplement faire le point sur vous après toutes ces années. Est-ce si grave qu'un oncle s'inquiète de son neveu?" (What do you mean? I simply wanted to check up on you after all these years, is that so wrong of an uncle to worry about his nephew?)

" Sors de ta cachette, Kenny. Nous avons une affaire inachevée à régler." (Come out of hiding, Kenny. We have unfinished business to settle.)

" Comme tu veux, tu es foutu." (As you wish, ya runt.)

And without hesitation, the man of the name Kenny Ackerman, came out of hiding. Seeing him after almost fifteen years made the raven's stomach twist and turn with anxiety and anger. He could feel his blood boiling from the anger he felt towards his uncle; he had to wonder how his mother put up with such a brother.

Levi walked up to where Erwin was sitting in the room and took out his pistol from an inside coat pocket, wrapping an arm around the blonde man.

" You'd better get comfortable, Mr Smith. Because I'm about to give you a show that you'll never forget."

" Very well. You have permission to do as you please to entertain me. I happen to love thriller and suspenseful action."

" Then please sit back and enjoy the show, monsieur."

Levi slipped his arm off of the man he had addressed and started walking up towards his uncle, loading and cocking the gun in his hand.

" Non non. Viens maintenant, Levi. Laissons cela régler avec nos mains nues et nos couteaux, hein?" (No, no. Come on now, Levi. Let's settle this with our bare hands and knives, huh?)

" Nah, j'adore voir mes balles améliorer leurs cibles." (Nah, I love seeing my bullets making their targets better.)

" Je n'ai aucune envie de devenir du fromage suisse pour votre propre divertissement, mon garçon." (I have no desire of becoming Swiss cheese for your own entertainment, boy.)

" Maintenant tu gâches le plaisir, bâtard." (Now you're ruining the fun of it, you bastard.)

" Eh bien, je ne peux pas te laisser t'amuser, maintenant, allons-nous en finir? On m'a ordonné de récupérer votre tête." (Well I can't let you have all the fun, now then, shall we get this over with? I was ordered to retrieve your head.)

As soon as Kenny finished speaking, Levi moved in for the kill. Of course, Kenny dodged him effortlessly and went in for a slash of his knife. Levi barely dodged in time, any slower and he would've died, as the man had went for his neck. The raven finally decided to draw out his knife and started to quicken his movements. Back when he had to train to become an assassin, Kenny had told him his fighting strategies; bad move on his part. However, Levi was still at a disadvantage.

Kenny was the one who taught him how to fight, so he could easily predict his moves.

If that was the case, then the raven decided to change up his fighting style. As much as it was out of his comfort zone, he needed to do this in order to kill Kenny. If he were to stick to his normal fighting style, Levi was as good as dead. So, once he had room away from the man he was fighting, Levi switched gears. He put his gun and knife away and simply stood in place. He saw that Kenny noticed this shift in behavior as he had stopped in his tracks, about to make another move, and scoffed.

" Qu'est-ce que tu crois faire? Je vais te tuer si tu ne fais rien. Ne voudrions-nous pas que Kuchel s'énerve, maintenant?" (What do you think you're doing ya runt? I'll kill you if you don't do anything. Wouldn't want dear Kuchel getting upset, now would we?)

"Elle est morte." (She's dead.)

Kenny straightened up his posture and look at Levi with slight bewilderment.

" Quel? Qu'est-ce que tu racontes? Kuchel n'est pas mort." (What? What are you talking about? Kuchel isn't dead.)

" Je l'ai regardée mourir dans mes bras. Je la sentais devenir froide. J'ai écouté son dernier souffle." (I watched her die in my arms. I felt her go cold. I listened to her last breath.)

" Non. Non, non, non, non. Elle ... Elle ne peut pas être morte. Elle ne peut pas être!" (No. No, no, no, no. She... She can't be dead. She can't be!)

" Elle est morte! Et tout est de ta faute, espèce de bâtard!" (She's dead! And it's all your fault, you damn bastard!)

Levi shouted at the top of his lungs before making his way towards his distracted uncle, no weapons drawn. The distraught man looked up, upon burying his face into his hands, and took a step back, which caused him to lose his footing a bit. This mess up gave Levi the opening he needed to get in close, and so, he jumped up as high as he could and landed a kick right across Kenny's face. The raven landed with a spin and pulled out his knife, slowly strutting up to his uncle, playing with the knife in his hand.

The man of whom the raven called his uncle started to try and back away from his nephew, but all was in vain, for he lost two fingers without realizing how he lost them. He looked up at Levi with genuine fear before begging for mercy.

" Ferme ta bouche, mon cochon." (Shut your mouth, you pig.) Levi started. He then looked over to Erwin, trying to ignore Kenny's cries. " Erwin, when this is over, I'll have to part ways with you for a bit. I still have to say good bye to my mother and take care of the SL. I hope this request isn't too much."

Erwin took in a small drag from a cigarette he had lit a while ago before answering the raven. " Very well. After this, I'll be waiting for you."

All of a sudden, Kenny had jumped to his feet and ran for Erwin, a big butcher knife in hand. He pounced onto the blonde man and dug his knife into his arm, attempting to cut it off. Erwin let out a loud shout of pain, and hearing this set Levi after his uncle like a lioness running to help the endangered lion. The raven quickly jumped onto Kenny and threw him off Erwin with his hands and feet, sending him a distance away from the two. Levi spared no time in hurrying over to Kenny and proping his knife against the man's neck, ready to take his life.

" Levi! Ne me tue pas! Je jure que je vous laisserai tous les deux seuls, laissez-moi vivre!" (Levi! Don't kill me! I swear I'll leave you two alone, just let me live!)

Levi's knife was pressed harder against Kenny's neck. " Shut it, dead men don't speak." Levi spoke through clenched teeth before looking over to Erwin and wearing a solemn expression. " So long, Erwin Smith." Levi whipped his head back to stare at Kenny, and with a quick and effortless movement, his uncle was dead.

The raven immediately jumped away and ran for an exit, once he found one, he left Erwin's sight.

Erwin remained where he was, holding onto his badly injured arm, staring at the direction that the assassin named "Eagle" had escaped.

The man stood up and started walking for the door he and Levi had used to enter the building, and upon reaching it, he heard the flailing of police sirens and ambulances. When he made it outside, the paramedics rushed up to him and guided him to the ambulance. He thought of nothing and couldn't think about how these people were alerted to come here. While he tried to figure it out, the answer was behind him on top of the building he was just inside.

Levi sat perched on top of the roof, putting his phone away into his coat before pulling out a cigarette. He lit it and just as he was about to stick it between his lips, he chuckled and smiled before throwing it down below and standing up.

" Nous nous reverrons très bientôt, mon amour." (We'll meet again very soon, my love.)

AN: So, if you couldn't tell already, this fanfic is coming to an end. I'm sorry but I think that Erwin and Levi have had a very bumpy ride on this adventure. I'll write one more actual chapter and then an epilogue, but after that epilogue, this fanfic will be complete. So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

_-_To Be Continued_-_

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