Chapitre Dix-Neuf

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Levi woke up with a jolt and erratic breathing.

" ... A... A nightmare..."

The raven calmed himself down with the realization that what he saw in his dreams, was nothing more than an illusion created from his fears. He saw his mother with her throat slit by another man. The man's face was blurry, making it difficult to identify him. However, those images the raven saw were nothing more than a nightmare. Levi sat up slowly while rubbing his head with one hand, and once he opened his eyes from the remnants of his nightmare, he saw Erwin next to him. Only, the man was asleep, resting his crossed arms on the bed the raven was in, his head laid atop of his limbs.

Levi sighed and gently smiled at the sight of his target, no, his friend, acting like a child yet again. The sight of Erwin being like this reminded the raven when the man took him to his house in the woods, and how they walked together hand-in-hand. The memory of them was enough to make the raven chuckle a bit and keep his small smile. He couldn't remember the last time he smiled so much. All that Levi could remember him smiling was when he was still an innocent child; completely oblivious to his uncle's occupation.

The raven sighed and looked out the window and noticed that the sun was high in the sky. He had to guess it might've been about one o'clock in the afternoon, but he wasn't sure. While he was watching the lively bustle on the streets, Levi suddenly thought of his mother and what he had asked of Erwin last night. With this now in his head, the raven turned back to face Erwin and started to gently shake the man awake.

It took about a couple of minutes, but the raven was successful and was now looking Erwin dead in the eyes.

" About what I asked last night."

" You want me to take you to your mother. I remember, and I'll ensure that happens today. Shall we get ready to leave soon then?"

Levi smiled genuinely and nodded before getting out of bed and getting dressed.

After about twenty minutes, Levi was being escorted by Erwin to the limo for the drive to his house.

The streets were filled with an energetic feeling that tugged at Levi's memories as a child. The smell of freshly made crêpes and the bloomed flowers. The sound of children and music playing on the streets and birds chirping their songs. All of it brought the most cherished memories to the raven as he and his mother used to do all sorts of things in their small town.


" Salut maman! Qu'est-ce que c'est ça?" (Hey Mama! What's this?)

" Sois prudent, Levi. Vous ne voudriez pas vous faire couper maintenant, n'est-ce pas?" (Be careful, Levi. You wouldn't want to get cut now would you?)

" Couper? De cette jolie fleur?" (Cut? From this pretty flower?)

" Oui." (Yes.) The raven's mother crouched down and pointed to the flower, " Cette fleur s'appelle une rose, et ils ont une protection contre les oiseaux et autres animaux." (This flower is called a rose, and they have protection from birds and other animals.)

" Que voulez-vous dire maman?" (What do you mean mama?)

" Ce sont les épines et c'est ce qui protège ces belles fleurs. Ma mère me disait que les roses sont comme un amour, dans un sens." (These are called thorns, and these are what protect these beautiful flowers. My mother used to tell me that roses are like love, in a sense.)

" Qu'a-t-elle voulu dire par là?" (What'd she mean by that?)

" Elle me disait ceci: "L'amour ressemble beaucoup à une rose sauvage, belle et calme, mais disposée à tirer du sang pour se défendre." Ça fait un peu peur hein?" (She'd tell me this, " Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense." Sounds kind of scary huh?)

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