Chapter 9

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Im on my bed when I see the door open. Brian steps in, and closes the door. That's unusual. He never spent private time with me when everyone else was around. I stumble off my bed quickly, and run to him. I give him a big hug. God it felt good to have him in my arms. But he pushes me away. I look up, and see a look on his face. Something was wrong...
"Bri?" I ask with concern. He looks down at me, and we meet eyes. That's when I knew something was bothering him.
"Roger, we need to talk," he says. Was he breaking up with me?? The thought made my eyes water a little bit. What had I done wrong?
"Why the fuck would you slap my ass in front of everyone?" He ask. I let out a laugh, not because it was funny, because I was relieved.
"What? Am I not allowed to touch my own boyfriend?" I ask in a flirty tone.
"Not around everyone else..." he says in a low voice. Rubbing his arm, I sit down on the bed.
"Why?" I ask amused.
"Because I dont really want them to know about us," Brian says. Anger began to rise up my body.
"Why? Are you ashamed of us!' I demand
"No! I-"
"Oh! You're ashamed of me!" I say in a loud tone
"It's not that at all!" He yells, stomping his foot.
"Are you ashamed of being gay?" I yell
"Stop it!" Brian cries
"So you are! You're embarrassed of us!" I yell. "Maybe this relationship wasn't a good idea!" I yell.
"STOP IT NOW! I'M NOT EMBARRISED OF US, I DONT WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT I'M GAY YET! I CAN'T JUST COME OUT. IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE!" he yells. He then looks down at the ground. "I would... never be embarrised of you," he says this time, crying. He burst out of the room, running for the front door. I didn't call back for him, I let him leave. When he slammed the front door, I felt my heart shatter. Tears started streaming down my face. Freddie runs to the door.
'What in bloody hell is going on?" He ask, worry in his eyes. A part of me wanted to chase after him, tell him I'm sorry, and this wouldn't happen again. Another part of me was angry, at him, at me, at everything. Another part of me just wanted to cry...


It was raining, but I didn't care. I wanted to run, run away. My cheeks were soaking wet. I was angry at Rog for thinking that I was embarrissd of our relationship, of him. Saying that this relationship was a mistake. I needed a drink, I didn't want to think about this, I wanted to hide from everything. Did Roger break up with me? Did I loose someone I truly cared about, loved? I start to cry uncontroallbly. I found the nearest bar, and just sat there. Ordering shot, after shot of their hardest liquor. The bartender told me to slow down, but I didn't care. I didn't want to think anymore. I wanted to be numb. My deamons had taken over me. Everything seemed dark, and cold. I needed escape from everything, all negativity, all problems.
Everything was all bright, and fuzzy. I was awfully dizzy, and very tipsy. I stumbled everywhere. I drank so much, but I needed it. I also needed to see Roger. I walked down the poorly lit street, falling off balance everywhere. I needed to get across the street. I looked both ways, and started crossing...


I hear Freddie yelling. He must've been out drinking. I couldn't make out what he was saying. I glimpse at my clock, 2:40 AM.
"ROGER!" Freddie yells in worried, scared tone.
"What is it, Fred?" I ask annoyed.
"Brian! He's been hit by a car! We need to get to the hospital, now!" He yells. My heart drops.
"What!" I yell. I feel my eyes starting to water, fear spreading through my body.
"Hurry!" Deacy yells. He's a mess. He's running frantically around the house. I jump out of bed, grab my keys, and book it for the door.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I turn on the car, and step on the gas.
"What have I done!" I cry. This is all my fault. My vision is blurred by my tears, hands shaking on the wheel. This is all my fault. I should've went after him! I should've said something! I need to make it! Stay with me Bri! Don't leave me...
I'm driving over the speed limit on the highway. I'm yelling, crying for help. The only thing in my mind is Brian.
"This is all my fault! My fault, my fault!" I tell. I cant believe I let this happen to him. I accused him of all the things he didn't do! I drove him off the edge! I was the worst boyfriend! I may not be able to see him again... that might've been our last time together.
"SHIT!" I cry out. My tears soaking my face.
I get to the hospital, and run in, pushing everyone out of the way.
"Brian!" I yell out. I run to the first desk.
"Brian, where is he! Please!" I cry. "Is he okay?" I am crying so much, I'm not even sure she can understand me.
"Calm down sir, who?"
"Brian! Brian May!" I cry out desperate.
"You can't see him yet, he's in surgery," she says. Typing at her computer.
"WHERE THE BLOODY HELL IS THE WAITING ROOM!?" I yell. She points to the right, and I run. I burst through the doors of a empty waiting room.
There is another desk with a person behind it, and a whole bunch of chairs. I run to the lady.
"Please!" I beg. "Is Brian going to be okay? Brian May!" She looks at me, and her face changes. Sympathetic.
Please don't tell me...
"He was hurt horribly. It's hard to tell now..." she says with sorrow. No...
"No!" I yell, crying.
"Please sit sir, I'll inform you if anything changes," she says. I slowly walk to a seat, body shaking. I sit down and put my face into my palms, what if I lost him for good? All our memories.... gone. Our first date? Our night spent together?
Fred and Deacy come bursting through the door, they see me. I'm a mess. Deacy comes, and places his hand on my back.
"Brian will pull through, he always does. Brian is strong," he says.
"Brian will make it, Darling." Freddie says. I look up to meet their faces. Both of their faces change, sympathy.
They saw my tears, my eyes. I was crying for help. I needed Brian to pull through.
"It's okay, Rog," Fred says. "We're all scared too..."
A couple hours later, a lady walks in. "Brain May?" She says. I instantly get up, and run to her.
"Is he okay? Did he make it?" I ask, pleading.
"Yes-" I run past her, into a hallway with many rooms. I run past all of them till I see the room that says Brian May. I burst the door open.
"Oh... god," I cry. He looked horrible, he was hooked up to a bunch of machines, scars all over his face, right eyes broozed, body in terrible shape, arm in a cast.
"Brian..." I can barely cry out. "I'm so sorry..." the lady comes in behind me, and places her hand on my shoulder.
"He barely made it. We still dont know if he will,' she says. That sentence broke my heart. What have I done?
"All you can do now, is wait.... I'll give you some alone time," she says. She walks out, and closes the door.
"I'm sorry, Brian" I take his free hand. It was so cold. "I shouldn't have yelled, I should have payed attention to your feelings. I've done this to you, I've caused this. We don't even know if you'll make it for Christ sakes! But... I need you. Don't leave me, stay with me. Please.. I need you." I say. I rest my face on his legs. "I love you Brian," I begin to cry even more. I manage to cry on the sheets, gripping his hand tighter. I can't let go... not now. I can't leave him. I look at his face, trace it with my hand. I lean in, and kiss him on the lips.
"Please..." I beg.
Fred, and John walk in. They see me, but I don't care. When John looks at him, he looks away. Pain fills his face. He couldn't bare to see his friend like this. Brian and him were like brothers. Fred only stares, sadness all over his face.
"Brian..." John says in a low voice. We sit there in silence.
"Roger?" Fred ask. I look up, looking at him, eyes still watering. He stands up and looks down at me.
"You need to stay strong, for him. You may be the only thing getting him through this," he says. That only makes me squeeze his hand tighter. They leave the room to just me and Brian. I grab a chair, and place it next to the bed. I sit down, and grab his hand once more. I needed to sleep, but I can't leave him.

Maylor: The Love Story Of Roger Taylor, And Brian MayWhere stories live. Discover now