- James -

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Everything seems to go according to the plan. Soon, very soon they will come for me and take me to the Tower.

The dregs of humanity. People, who think, that they can rule the country, rule the world. With your stinking wigs, fake faces and salf satisfied smiles. Cowards, dicks. Hiding behind your power.

How many times we have to cross our paths, before you finally understand, that you have no chance in this fight against me? You really want to fight the devil? Fine, but I won't hesitate a second and if I have a chance, I will slaughter you all like pigs.

You are lucky, that I still have a use for you.

But before this nonsense ends and before I leave this bloody land for good, there is one thing I need to know.

James entered the main city hall of London and entered the big room. Nothing but papers, files, old and new records, birth certificates and death protocoles. The beginning and the end. Alpha and Omega.

"May I help you, sir?" old man looked at him through glasses and checked his dirty long black coat partly covered with stinking mud.

"Yes," James hesitated for a second. "Rhiannon Bradbury, she came to London in 1810," he whispered in the end.

Yes, my Rhiannon, I remember that last name. I remember the story about your ancestor, Mary Bradbury. The famous Mary, famous witch, who managed to escape from the prison and saved her life during Salem's trials. Witch hunt. Nothing more, but pathetic excuse for jealousy, envy and fear. Fear from the unknown.

She had 11 children, you said. Can you imagine it? God must be in every woman. I saw woman in labor, so much pain, she screamed, yelled, she cursed her husband. And the second midwife put her baby in her arms, all the pain was gone and she was smiling, kissing baby's head and face, she thanked her husband for the greatest gift he ever gave to her.


Oh, my dark Rhiannon. Would you carry my baby? Son or daughter, I don't mind. I would like to see you carrying my child under your heart.

"I have it here, sir," man brougth him back to Earth. "Born in 1792, yes?"

James nodded.

"But Bradbury was her mother's name, I see here, that she is a widow, is that correct, sir? She was married for a year and a half, her husband died, then she sailed back to Africa and she gave up on her husband's property completely."


"Is there mentioned a cause of his death?" James asked.

"Heart attack," archivist shrugged and frowned suddenly.

"What is it?"

"Uhm, just this... This is not nice, sir."

"Tell me."

"It says here, that he was found by their housekeeper in his garden, sitting on the chair behind the table..."


"And ravens were sitting on his head and shoulders and feasted on his eyes..."

Right now, my dark Rhiannon, now I don't know, if I want to cry or laugh

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Right now, my dark Rhiannon, now I don't know, if I want to cry or laugh. I don't know, if I want to live or die.

All I know is, that I want to hold you in my embrace and curse this rotten world

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All I know is, that I want to hold you in my embrace and curse this rotten world.

What did that bastard do to you? In what way he hurt you, that the only way how to stop him, was to kill him? I don't even want to think about it, when I imagine you being somebody else's wife. Oh God, no...
How I hate myself now. How I curse myself now for not being there with you. I would kill him for you, I would spare your soul from this terrible crime. My innocent dark Rhiannon. No longer innocent, blood on your hands, that can never be washed away. Because there is one thing, that I am certain of - no way you regret it.

Because you miss ravens.

Now I understand.

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