- Dark Woods -

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It was a night with a full moon. Full moon, which shined for a witch dressed in long black dress. She didn't mind demons staring at her in the shadows. She didn't mind monsters waiting for her behind trees. She walked and hummed a silent melody.

Her feet stopped as she met the Devil on the crossroad.

He was waiting for her there, because she promised him, she will come.

She promised him her whole existence and he gave her his heart. On that crossroad he kissed her to seal new deal.

But simple kiss wasn't good enough for him, he was craving for more.

And in the middle of the night, he took her in his bed and he made her his. He bounded her to him with the spell so powerfull, that not even Hecate could beat this magic.


"James, my lover, don't you have a feeling sometimes, that world doesn't wish us to be together?" Rhiannon, sitting on the bed with James behind her, asked him thoughtfully.
"There is always somebody, that stands in our way. My mother, England, your family, now Anna Henrietta."

"Who is she anyway?"

"My aunt."

"Your aunt?"

"I think it's time to tell you about my time here America, don't you?" she turned to him and he answered with a simple nod.

"But not here. It's a clear night, let's go outside again, let's take a walk in the woods."

"Are you serious?"

"Don't you tell me, that you are scared of a little bit of darkness, my Devil," Rhiannon stood up.

Even though she was lightened just by pale moonlight, he could see marks he left on her skin.

"Wait, don't dress up, not yet," he said and she turned to him. Naked, breasts hiding behind raven hair, pale skin shining as moon was sending its light on her. If somebody walked into the room, he would think she is a ghost.

"Like a most valuable art, my dark Rhiannon," James came to her taking her in his arms

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"Like a most valuable art, my dark Rhiannon," James came to her taking her in his arms. He took her back to his bed and made love to her. She was surprised by all the tenderness he gave her, all the attention, all the love.

He was and did everything that she didn't want him to be and do.

Because love makes us vulnerable.

James followed Rhiannon to the woods and she suddenly vanished.

I have a game for you, my lover.
Do you dare to find me in these woods? Woods, which remembers Salem trials? Woods, which were hiding Salem's women and men?
Woods, where you can still hear innocent people's cry?
Do you dare to walk amongst the trees alone?

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