- Sarah -

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Rhiannon entered James' house. Not minding dry blood on the floor, that she left there as she dragged the body of his maid, she walked gracefully to the kitchen.

"You better kill me now, or I will do it first!" Sara yelled at her,from the chair, where she was bounded.

"Or, my sweet little one, I can give you a freedom," Rhiannon, without giving her a look, passed by the corpse of a maid, that was still lying on the floor and she went to the table and poured herself a herbal tea, that remained in a pot. She took a sip and chuckled softly. "Oh, so I assume we have a deal?"

Sarah was speechless. She was never free. She and her mother were maids, servants their whole life. They alwas belonged to somebody and they never could make a decision about their own lives. "A freedom?" young girl whispered with a tears in her eyes.

"You will work for Mr. Delaney still, but I will use your mind to get to my enemy," Rhiannon took a seat in front of her, she watched Sarah with her piercing glare and Sarah could swear, that she noticed a hint of blue colour in grey eyes of a sorceress. "When your work will be done, you have my word, that you can walk away with a bag full of money and what is more important, you will be for the first time ever, the master if your own life."

I don't believe you.

"Why not?" Rhiannon tilted her head, reading in mind of young girl, who opened her eyes wide, then rasped out angrily.

"Because you, you bitch, you killed my mother!"

"She tried to kill me first. She tried to poison my body and took away the part of me, that is the what matters to me the most. My child."

Sarah opened her mouth and clenched her lips right after.

I didn't know.

"Of course, you didn't, that is why you are still alive."

It took Rhiannon one more look into young maid's eyes and she knew, she owned her.

"Very well, my dear Sarah," Rhiannon, without standing up, finished her tea and she crushed the cup in her hand. Sarah, surprised by the strength, that Rhiannon had, yelped and jerked her body in shock, while she watched as sorceress cut her finger with a shatter, she closed her eyes, casted a spell and then stood up. She walked closer to Sarah.

Don't hurt me.

"I won't, you have my word, the word of a sorceress," Rhiannon marked Sarah's forehead with blood, that blewout from her finger, then sucked on it, until it stopped bleeding.

Now, my sweet little Sarah, now you are mine. Do, as I say, then and only then I will set you free.

Rhiannon vanished, the fact, she was there implied only her unique scent and essence of lavender, that James could feel the moment he entered his house just few moments later.

"So?" He questioned shortly, entering the kitchen, not minding corpse of an old maid.

Sarah was quiet, so didn't dare to say a word, but when he looked at her, he saw the sign. With a quick sharp move, he cut rope on her wrists and let her go free. "Clean the mess," he commanded and left young girl alone with the dead body of her mother.

"Help me, please, sir, help me," Sarah sobbed quietly, unable to take a step toward the corpse.

"Help me, please, sir, help me," Sarah sobbed quietly, unable to take a step toward the corpse

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"I did warn you, little witch," James murmured, taking few steps toward her. "I told you, that I will be the one, who will be laughing in the end, when the most powerful of you all will cut your throat. It is late for tears, late for regrets, now do as you have been told and stop whining, stop crying. You got your chance, little witch, you had time to change your mind, yet yout thought, you knew the best."

He left her in her misery, he left her with her destiny.

When the sun red as blood rose up above the horizon, little witch hated her mother more, than anybody in her entire life. James, with a cup of wine, observed her, as she dragged heavy corpse through the garden, until she threw it to the wild boars, who impatiently waited for it behind the fence of a rangeland.

We did it, my dark Rhiannon.

Don't be so surprised, my lover.

Her voice echoed in his mind and he closed his eyes, leaning his head against the armchair.

How is he? How is our son?

Resting, growing strong, I can hear his voice sometimes, I can already feel his movements, thanks to him, I can feel you...

I want to hold you both, my dark Rhiannon, in my arms, where you two belong. You are my Heaven.

 You are my Heaven

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Forever, my lover...

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