- Rhiannon -

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I woke up dead. Or maybe I was dead and woke up alive. Who can tell, what is real and what is just a dream? Who can tell, if everything that happened wasn't just my imagination?

Never in my life have I felt so lost like I do now. Voice inside my head keep calling me. Voice inside my head repeats my name.


Rhiannon, my daughter, it says. Run away from him, free yourself from darkness.

Why does that voice seems so familiar? It's like a part of me was talking to my soul.

So familiar, yet so strange.

Comforting, yet so dangerous.

Am I loosing my mind?

She stood up from the bed and gracefully walked to window

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She stood up from the bed and gracefully walked to window. It was a bright day and Anna Henrietta was sitting in the garden with William and Nathaniel. She felt Rhiannon's glare on her back and she turned inmediately with a smile. Rhiannon narrowed her eyes and tilted her head curiously.

You have never ever smiled at me like that. What makes you to be so contently calm? What makes you to smile at me like that? What secret are you hiding?

Anna spoke to Nathaniel and he looked up. Rhiannon noticed small smile, that his lips created, he stood up and went to the house. Swiftly, she left her room and went downstairs. They met in the hallway and she observed him curiously.

"Nathaniel," she nodded her head.

"Rhiannon," he said softly and she felt sick.

I despise you. If I told you to kill for me, you would do that without thinking twice. Where is your free will, poor human being? Whe-

Rhiannon, my daughter,
blood of my blood!
Why are you so mean to Mr. Calbot? He is being nothing, but polite. He shows you nothing but love. He offers you his heart and his life. Don't send him away. He can be your salvation, he can be your way back to light. He can show you the stars again. Don't you want to see the stars again, my daughter?

I do...

Rhiannon looked at him and smiled.

"How do you feel today, my beautiful Rhiannon?" he offered her his hand and she slipped her own into his.

"How do you feel today, my beautiful Rhiannon?" he offered her his hand and she slipped her own into his

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