- Goddess -

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I call upon you Ruler of the Daimones, discarnate and Kabirai, Tenderhearted Goddess.

Because blood of my blood has been tainted.

For the Devil himself came and claimed what has never been his.

Because the heart of witch has been taken.

And her womb has been filled with filth.

Clean her.

Save our blood.

Unbound them.

Destroy him.

Hear this prayer of your loyal servant.

Hekate Krataiis, Hekate Triodia!

Save us.

"Do you think, she will answer your prayers?" Nathaniel asked quietly, after Anna Henrietta spent some time in silence. Surrounded by candles, shadows, souls of her ancestors waiting for the coming of their ruler.

The Earth shook and the gate has been opened.

The answer has come.

Goddess in white dress on flames entered the room and walked amongst the living.

Goddess in white dress on flames entered the room and walked amongst the living

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"Worry not, my child," voice spoke to Anna through lips, that were still.
"For there is nothing more vulnerable, than loving human being. There is not a bigger pain, than pain of broken heart."

She tilted her head listening to the sound of night, when the moon was bright. The night, when the Devil met the witch on the crossroad and sealed their love with the most powerfull spell.

She turned back to witch saying: "And no man can fight dozing desire for new prey, when he has a chance to hunt. I will make her to burn him alive, my child. Let him be the example, that no mortal man can lodge with Salem's witch without punishment."

Let the hunt begin.

Let the hunt begin

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