- Nathaniel -

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"Rhiannon! Anna! Come here, quickly!" William's voice echoed from the foye of their house.

Anna Henrietta ran from the kitchen. "Oh dear God, what happened?" she watched Nathaniel, who was held by two servants unconscious.

"He fell- his horse... he-" William stammered nervously.

"Put him here on the sofa," Anna said and yelled through the house: "Rhiannon!"

She came from her room, slowly.

Oh, my dear Nathaniel.

"Let me take a look," she sat next to him on the sofa and placed her hand on his forehead.

He immediately opened his eyes.

My love, my Rhiannon, my beautiful lady. Your touch, oh, your touch feels like I was touched by an angel. It is for the first time, when you put your hand on me. I feel so blessed now.

"I think, he is fine," Rhiannon smiled softly. "How is that even possible? William gave him the laziest, the calmest horse that we have."

"I don't know. We were in the middle of the wood and his horse started to act all crazy all of the sudden. He stood on his back legs, kicked, then suddenly jumped," William explained.

"I am a lousy rider," Nathaniel whispered in a weak voice. He took Rhiannon hand in his.

If I knew, your touch would be my reward, I'd fell from the horse earlier. My love, you are everything to me.

"I have to go," Rhiannon stood up and turned her back on him.

"Where? Why?" Anna's piercing glare followed her.

"His head is bleeding," Rhiannon answered and left the room quietly.

She stopped right behind the door and leaned against the wall.

Forgive me, Nathaniel. Forgive me, my sweet human unspoiled soul. You deserve so much better. Somebody who will love you the way you deserve. I don't deserve you, my soul is way to dark, way too twisted. You don't know me at all, my sweet soul. You don't see, what lies beneath, you see just my vessel. But I am everything, just not the things you want me to be. You love an idea, illusion. Forgive me.

She came to the kitchen and took bottle with alcohol, water and  porcelain bowl. Walking down the hallway, she was lost in her thoughts.



He stood there in the doorway, waiting. He closed the door and waited more. She put things from her hands on the small cabinet and went to him slowly. He watched her silently, motionlessly. Her slightly tilted head and narrowed eyes made him to know, that she is digging in his head.

Is this the time, my dark Rhiannon, when you kiss me or set me on fire?

Yes, my lover.

She came to him, her arms raised in the air, palms landed on his neck and he leaned into a kiss. Deep, greedy, fierce kiss. I missed you kiss. I want you kiss.

"I have to go," she said, "my fiance needs me."

James saw smirk on her lips, that crooked sly smile, that he has adored so much.

You witch.

Sorceress, my lover.

"What took you so long?" Anna questioned the second Rhiannon entered the room. Nathaniel already sitting. Rhiannon, ignorin Anna's question, came to him, put bowl on the small table and poured a water inside. With alcohol she cleaned his wounds and scratches.

One day, I will get lost in your beautiful eyes, my beautiful Rhiannon. So pure, yet so cold sometimes. I see all shades of kindness inside them now. You can be so gentle, only your touch heals. How do you do it, my love? I wish you'd look into my eyes now, please. Stop focusing on my wounds, focus on me. It's not my skin, my wounds, who needs you, it's my heart that craves. Oh, God, help me, I am desperately in love with you.

She did everything, just to avoid his look.

I can't do this to you, pure human. I can't. Forgive me.

"Will you stay for a dinner?" William asked and Nathaniel nodded. His brown eyes still searched Rhiannon gaze, but when she was done with treating his wounds, she stood up and left the room.

"Rhiannon, stop!" she heard Anna's voice few seconds later.

"Yes?" she said without turning her direction, just her head slightly tilted to the side. No way she could read in mind of other witch.

"Why are you like this? Cold, building ramparts, acting like you don't care at all. Poor Nathaniel is trying so hard to earn your attention, one look, -"

"I know, I've heard it too, Anna," Rhiannon said and took a step forward ready to leave.

"Is he not good enough for you, whore? You think, if he knew your past, he'd even let you to touch him? He'd burnt you. Be grateful, that I found this man for you; this stupid naive man, who doesn't give you a questions and who loves you blindly," Anna murmured deeply.

Shut up, witch.

Rhiannon clenched her fist and doors and windows got open, then slammed at once.

Anna Henrietta watched her curiously. "You think you can scare me, whore?"

Rhiannon turned and with one finger pointed at her, she sent a wave, that threw Anna few metres away.

"Sorceress." Rhiannon whispered and left the hallway.

"How do you feel, Nathaniel?" Rhiannon asked during dinner.

"Better, thank you, my dear," he gave her a smile.

"I am glad to hear that," she said and smiled softly back.

"How about a song, Rhiannon? How about you play and sing for us?" Anna asked raising her brows.

"I don't sing," Rhiannon answered sternly, but smile appeared immediately as the old memories came to her mind.

The memories.
From the sun burning land called Africa.

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