- James -

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Dear James,

from the bottom of my heart I wish you'd never read this letter. This would mean, that you have never came back to me. But if you are here in this wooden cabin in the middle of nowhere, let me tell you the late goodbye.

Last couple of weeks a man comes to my house. Locals told him, that I could heal his wounds. Totally deaf to my threats he comes every day asking for help.

Yesterday, he came again and I told him to go to hell. He told me, that he is leaving tomorrow and that he is not going to hell, but back to his home. Back to Salem.

Salem, James.

My roots, James. If this is not a sign, then what is?

I asked him, what would it cost, if I wanted to go with him. He asked me to marry him. I said yes.

Never in my life I've imagined that this is what our end will look like. You in that cursed England and me heading to America without you. But you left and I don't want to rot here.

I loved Africa, when you were part of it. But right now all I have are just memories, that hurt me, that stab to my heart like daggers. Maybe America will help me to forget. I hope I will forget about you one day. I hope you will become just a blurry picture and one day I won't be able to tell, if you were real or just a man from a beautiful dream.


"Burn it here," James murmured as he was leaving the old wooden cabin.

"Are you sure, sir?" man, who was standing outside, asked him and James just turned his head and looked at him without saying a word.

"Are you sure, sir?" man, who was standing outside, asked him and James just turned his head and looked at him without saying a word

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Man shook from fear as he felt like two blue green eyes gazing at him unblinkingly.

"Yes, I am sure," James said and he looked at the letter in his hand. He put it closer to his face and inhaled its scent.

It's been months since you wrote it and it still smells like you. Not even that lavender ointment can hide your unique scent, my Rhiannon. Not even all lavenders in the world can hide the salty scent of your tears, that fell on this paper, my love. So, you are married now? What does your husband think about our day on the beach? What did he say, when you came home after my soul fucked yours? Higher level of voodoo, you said. How about higher level of fucking, my love? It was just your soul, but I can bet my life, that everytime you remembers it, it's your body, that reacts in a sensual way.

Salem it is, my love.

Salem it is.

He inhaled the scent from the letter one more time, then creased it and threw it to the flames, that were rising and swallowing the old wooden cabin in the middle of nowhere.

In the sun burning land called Africa.

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