Part 1: The Aftermath

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Hi y'all IM BACK!!! If you have just discovered this story and haven't read the first one please do as they follow on pretty much from where we left off. Well 2 months later anyway!!!


2 months later

What I saw that day was horrendous. I know I am a true detective and should be used to seeing things like that but this was unimaginable until it was right in front of you.

"Okay Jughead, I think we have made a lot of progress. Since the crash which involved your friends and since I've met you. I feel as if you are free to go and see me less often. Only when you feel necessary to you" The councillor told me. I stayed quiet for a few moments before trying to say something. "Yeah, okay. But if I'm struggling, is it okay for me to see you more often?" I asked quietly. He just shook his head. I got up and left the room which lead to the waiting room where Betty was. "How did it go Jug?" She asked me. "Yeah it went okay, he thinks I'm okay to go off on my own now and see him less often. which is good, enough about me anyway. Have you found anymore about the crash?" I asked eagerly awaiting the answer. "No but I'm close, but do you think this is good for you and your health, getting involved again?" She asked. "I need something to take my mind off of school and the serpents, so yeah this is my cure" Betty and I walked all the way back to Pops just talking about the crash and how it happened as the police have no leads to how it happened, but there is one thing for sure, they know it was deliberate. Somebody set out to kill Cheryl and Toni.


I was currently sitting in Cheryls hospital room thinking about the day of the crash and why it had to happen to us. I was lucky enough to come out of the crash with mild concussion and a broken wrist. Cheryl on the other hand got the worst of it, she has been in a coma since that day, they have tried releasing her a couple times but nothing has happened. She had concussion, she broke her leg which has pretty much healed and also possible brain damage but they won't know until she comes out of the coma. "Come on baby girl, I know you can hear me. If you don't want to be here anymore, you can go with the angels. I don't mind as long as you are happy. It may break me but to know that you will be guarded will give me the strength to go on... You know before the crash I was thinking about our future and how that was gonna pan out. We would have kids, we would rebuild Thornhill and raise them there, they would be playing outside with the boys while we had our grown up time inside. I want all that with you princess" I grab her hand and tears start to fall down my face. I just about stop crying when I felt someone squeeze my hand. I looked up and noticed it was Cheryl. "I want all that with you too Toni" She told me. I just smiled and leant down to kiss her. That is the first time I have touched her lips in 2 months and it was worth the wait. I ran out the room to grab the doctor. He came rushing in. "Well Cheryl you are very lucky, with what you went through I am pretty sure you will make a miraculous recovery" He said to her. I just smiled. He then left the room. I saw Cheryl shifting on the bed. "Babygirl don't make any sudden movements" I warned her. "Come lay with me, look I made the room" She pointed to where she shifted from. "I can't do that, as much as I want to you will still be in a lot of pain" I said to her. "Antionette, I don't care, get into the bed with me now. I haven't felt your arms around me in 2 months. Thats the least I deserve" I stopped arguing with her because I would never win. We lay with each other in silence for 5 minutes while I was tracing patterns on Cheryls stomach. "I love you so much you know, I never want to lose you." I told her. "What makes you think you are ever going to lose me, baby?" She asked. "This just shows that anything can happen, we didn't expect to be caught in a crash but it happened, one of us could be hit by a bus tomorrow. Nobody knows, if I lose you I won't be able to cope" I expressed to her. "Well you aren't going to lose me so never speak like that. I love you so much, it fucking hurts. I want to love you more but its not possible" She said to me. I let a tear fall out of my eye "I love you too so much! ... So I have been thinking" I started to say. "oh that is dangerous" She joked. "How about we look into having a baby?" I said. I could tell Cheryl was shocked. "Are you sure T? They are a lot of hard work, we have just been in a major accident. We don't have to push our selves, we have all the time in the world" Cheryl replied "This accident has proved the exact opposite of what you have just said, it has put a lot on things into perspective, it has bought out the priorities. I want to have children with you Cheryl" She stayed silent for a few seconds. "If having baby now will make you happy, it will make me happy. Having babies is a big priority but I think we will be ready for when the gemstone comes" She giggled. "I love you" I leant up and we kissed like it was the first time.

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