Part 13: Meeting Alfie and Roxy

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1 week later


Today is the day that we finalise Lodge Lodge being ours and we also get to meet the twins tomorrow for the first time which I am nervous about. I can tell Cheryl is too but she won't admit it. "Hey baby, you okay?" I asked her. "Yeah, I'm just cleaning the house ready for Alfie and Roxy tomorrow." She said as she carried on cleaning. I snuck up behind her and hugged her. "Toni, I have to clean" She said getting agitated. "Clean my pussy then, its already wet for you baby girl" I said trying to distract her. "Clever Topaz but I need to make sure it looks nice for them" "Baby they are kids, they like to make mess and do you know what day it is today?" I asked her. "Have I forgotten an anniversary?" She says panicking. "No cutie, we can finally settle for Lodge Lodge being ours and we have to come up with a new name" I said as I sat on the side. she looked up at me and walked over. "So what do you suggest baby?" She asked me. "I dunno, I figured we could let the kids decide" I told her. "Yeah thats a good idea, we can get them settled in for a couple of days and then take them to the lodge so they can choose" "What do we say to them babe? I mean what if they start asking questions about our parents?" I asked her. "We tell them the truth but keeping some of the details out and by that I mean the attempted rape until they are old enough to understand" "Yeah, I guess thats the right thing to do" She stood in between my legs and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I love you Toni Topaz" She told me. "I love you too baby girl" As I finished that we  kissed and it got really heated. I jumped off the counter and picked her up carrying her to the bedroom.

The next day


"Baby wake up" I whispered laying a kiss on her cheek. Nothing. "Babe, come on you need to get up" I told her again. Still nothing. "Toni get the fuck up!!" I shouted and she still didn't move. Like what the actual fuck, how has she not woken up. I decided to just rock her. She fluttered her eyelashes. "Finally, the kids are coming today, come on get up" "5 more minutes baby" "No, I want you to get the fuck out of bed" "You need to watch your language Princess, if we are having children" I just huffed and went downstairs to make coffee and to also clean some more. 10 minutes later I felt arms wrap around my waist and she started to kiss my neck, I moved to the side to give her more room. "Morning baby" I said to her. she just carried on biting my neck, definitely leaving a hickey. "Baby, come on you have left like three hickeys, if you leave anymore I will struggle to cover them up in front of the kids" "Why do you need cover them up?" She asked. "Toni, they are 7 and going to be asking questions" I giggled. "Fair play but later I will be leaving more of them" She said as she winked. "Of course you can Topaz! Now the kids are due to be here in an hour so lets go get ready" I said to her.

Just as we both finished getting ready we heard a knock. "You ready Bombshell?" She asked me. "Yeah TT" We shared a kiss before we opened the door to see two children and a social worker behind them "Hi, you must be Cheryl and Antoinette" I could see Toni scrunching her face up at the name as I giggled. "Is something the matter?" the woman asked. "Oh, you see Antoinette here doesn't like going by that name" "Oh what shall I call you?" "Toni will be fine" She told her. "Hi Cheryl and Toni" "Please come in and make yourself at home" I welcomed them. "Would you like anything to drink?" Toni asked. "A water for me thanks" The social worker replied. "How about you two trouble makers" She asked kneeling down to them. "I will have a orange juice please" The little girl says. and how about you kiddo?" She asked looking at Alfie. "Milk please" "Okay, I will be right back" She says ruffling their hair as they giggled. "Okay kids, why don't you go into the living room and read a book while I talk to Cheryl and Toni" "Okay Miss White" They said innocently.  She came and joined us while we chatted about our home life "So who lives here?" She asked. "At the moment, its just us two but if they want to we would love for the twins to live here too and if they do we thought it would be a good idea if we ask our friends to move in for a little while so they can get used to them, after all we are with them a lot" I told her. "Thats a great idea guys." She said. "We also have a Lodge we recently bought to take them on little trips away, its not too far but far enough for the kids at this stage" Toni said to her. "Okay, I better get going so I will leave you with Alfie and Roxy for a week and I will come back and if they want to stay here they can and if they don't its not the end of it with them, we will schedule daily visits until they are more comfortable around you, sometimes it takes awhile." "Thank you so much" We both exclaimed, she said goodbye to the twins while a few tears were involved from them both. "Come on Kiddos, so how about you tell us about yourself?" Toni asked looking at them. "Well my name is Roxy and I'm 7" She said to us through tears. "Hi Roxy, I'm Cheryl and this is my wife Toni" "You okay kiddo?" I asked her. She nodded her head. "How about you? Are you okay Alfie?" Toni asked. "Yeah, I'm good." "Do want to go get something to eat guys?" Toni asked. They both nodded their heads. "Pops?" I asked them. "Whats Pops?" They both asked in unison. "Oh kids, you have a lot to learn, come on we will show you."

We made it to Pops and sat down. The kids sitting either side by the window and us sitting on the ends. "So here is a menu, you guys look see what you want and we can order it" "Okay, I know what I want" Roxy said and Alfie did the same. "Roxy, why don't you go with Toni to order" I said to her, she excitedly got up as Toni handed her money to give to Pop. "So Alfie, is there anything you want to know about me?" I asked him. "Yeah, do you have a husband?" He asked innocently. "No sweetie, I have a wife" "I don't understand" he said confused. "You don't understand what kid?" Toni said as she got back with Roxy. "He asked if I had a husband and I'm trying to explain that I have wife instead." "In this world, you don't have to marry the opposite gender, you can marry the same gender if you want" Toni explained. The food came to the table. "What have you had Alfie?" I asked him. "Burger and Chips" "Cher, is he going to turn into Jughead" Toni joked. "Whats a Jughead" The kids asked. "Jughead is one of our friends, do you want to meet our friends?" Toni asked. They nodded their heads. "Okay, call them all over and we can meet them at home."

Half an hour later our friends got there. "Okay kids if you want them to leave, come to one of us and can tell them to go okay?" They both nodded. I opened the door. "Okay Alfie and Roxy, this is Veronica and Sweet Pea, they are getting married soon. This is Betty and Jughead who are also going to get married soon. And do you remember when I said you could marry the same gender, this is Kevin and Fangs who are going to get married soon too. And last but not least this is Reggie, he used to play Football with Toni." They all started talking to the kids while Toni and I slipped into the kitchen. I jumped on the side as Toni was in between my legs with her arms around my waist. "Do you think they will be okay?" Toni asked. "I hope so, I want to know more about them but maybe not today, its been a long day for them" "Cheryl, Toni can we go play foot ball outside with Sweet Pea, Fangs and Reggie?" They came in to us. "of course you can sweeties, be careful okay?" "Okay" They shouted back. "I think they will be just fine" Toni said as she planted a kiss to my cheek and them my lips.

Is it meant to be? || CHONI SEQUEL (discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora