Part 15: The Monster returns

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The kids got in their costumes and ran down the stairs with excitement. "Okay, let Toni get in first kids" I told them. They stood back. "Why me? Its going to be so cold and my hair will get wet" I looked to the side of me to see the kids gone, I looked around and I heard a loud splash and a lot of giggling and replied they pushed her in. "Come on kids, jump in. I won't let anything happen to you" Roxy jumped in first and began to swim around. "Come on baby boy, jump. I won't let anything happen to you" "Promise?" he asks. "I promise" He stood there and jumped in. She let him hit the water before bringing him back up and holding him secure. "How was that little man?" She asked him. "It was so fun, Mommy can you jump in?" He asked looking at me. "I will come in but I am not jumping" I told him before I knew it he got out of the pool and he pushed me in, luckily Toni was there to catch me. "Thanks babe" I said to her. "I think you need to get you hair wet" She said. "No, I don't" "Yeah you do" "Toni, No I don't" "Yes, you do" Before I could answer she wrapped her arms tight around me and pulled me under and then took me straight back up after all my hair was wet. "Toni, I will fucking kill you" "BABE!!! Watch your language" "Listen kids, you don't listen to my foul language okay? Its naughty and I shouldn't say it either." I told them, they nodded their heads and carried on splashing away while I was cuddled up to Toni.

They were playing in the pool for an hour or so before they wanted to get out and get something to eat. "How about pancakes?" I asked them. They both cheered as they ran up the stairs to get into their pyjamas. As I grabbed all the ingredients, Toni came up behind me and planted a small kiss to my neck. "Hey baby girl" She said to me. "hey babe, what you doing?" "Hugging my beautiful wife, what about you?" "Just making the kids pancakes for dinner" "Ooo, can you make me some?" She asked me. "Of course Tones, what do you want to do later when the kids are in bed?" "Shall we go in the hot tub, we have the monitors so the kids will be fine in here" "Its going to be cold baby" "You can cuddle up to me" "Okay" I gave in and turned around, I swung my arms around her neck as she slid hers around my waist we leant in and shared a kiss before we heard the kids. "Ew!!!! Mommies stop doing that" We heard them say, we just giggled. "Come on kids, eat up and then you can go to bed, how about you guys read a book in bed, to help you fall asleep cus they are boring." Toni said to them. "Toni, you don't tell them that" I told her. "Come on Cheryl, you know more than anyone that books are boring." "Yes they are but kids, you read because its good for you, you read and who knows what you will learn to do. You could be the most intellectual one in the class" I told them. They didn't answer me and just ate their pancakes. "Mommy, can you carry me?" Roxy asked. "Yeah of course I can" I answered. I picked her up while Toni picked up Alfie. We laid them down. "Okay kids, if you need anything this monitor links to the one we have so we can here you, so just tell us. Night kiddos" "Night mommies" We gave them a kiss on the head and left the bedroom. "So hot tub time?" Toni asked "Yeah come on"

We had been in the hot tub for half an hour just talking and kissing, we suddenly heard something coming from the monitor. It was one of the kids, a high pitched scream came from the bedroom. We both jumped out and ran in the lodge and up the stairs, into the room to see a man dressed in all black holding Alfie with a gun to his head. "Ahh shit" I heard Toni said. I saw Roxy in the corner, I went to her and picked her up. "Mommy whats going on?" She asked me. "I'm not sure sweetie" I replied to her. "Who are you?" Toni asked. "I can't reveal my identity" They said. "Come on man, don't hurt our kid, look if you are being made to do this then we can help you, just please let him go" Toni said. He let him go and then said. "Look, I am being made to do this and the face under the mask, you will recognise it" He said. "Then please let us help you, whoever you are, before we know who you are, who is making you do this?" I asked them. "Mike Topaz" The hooded figure stated. I looked to Toni who looked at me. "In Prison and still trying to ruin our lives" Toni said. "So who are you?" Cheryl asked. He reached his hand to his mask and took it off. "JASON???!!!" Both of us said in unison.

We put the kids back to bed and went and sat in the living room. "So what exactly was Mikes goal?" I asked. "He wanted me to scare you" "Yeah you did that alright, by pointing a gun at our little boy. "He also wanted me to give you this" He said as he slid a letter across the table. "From him?"Toni asked. "Yeah, in that envelope there is two letters, one for each of you" I took the letters out and handed Toni hers and began to read mine.

Dear Baby Girl, 

I know I upset you the last time we were together and as soon as I get out we can make a genuine go of things as a couple because I know that you love me, I love you too. Please make me the happiest man alive and divorce my daughter. It will mean the world to me. I know what Antoinette is like, she forced you to marry her. She is a liar and a manipulator, she lied when she said that you were the love of her life, she made me go to prison for something I didn't do and I would love for you to visit me so we can spend some quality time together before we get married. I will rock your world, please reply. I love you baby

From Your secret admirer xxx

After I finished reading the letter, I looked to Toni. "One thing this letter proves is that your dad is a psychopath and has serious problems. He said as soon as he gets out we can make a proper go of things, called you a liar and a manipulator, he wants me to file for a divorce and finally wants me to go and see him, what did he say in yours baby?" I asked her. "He said that if I didn't file for divorce he would hire someone to kill you, he wants you all to himself and he knows about the kids Cher, what are we gonna do?" "Nothing" I replied. "I don't follow" She said. "Thistle house is big enough, I say we get some more serpents move in and maybe Reggie and you if you want Jason and that is enough people to protect us and the kids, Polly and the twins can move in too if they want, Alfie and Roxy need friends" I said. "Yeah of course, anything to get to know my sister in law and my niece and nephew." "Right then thats sorted, you can sleep in the room next to the twins just in case, Night" We said as we went upstairs to bed. Wow today has been eventful.

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