Part 6: Describing the incident

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This is only a short chapter


It had been a month since the incident with my father, Cheryl was finally getting better. I didn't care about me, only about her. We sat cuddled up to each other on our bed. "Hey baby?" I asked. "Yeah?" She replied. "Can we talk about what happened? You haven't and I'm afraid if you keep it bottled up inside it might make you do something to regret." "I guess, I just wasn't ready then, but now I am, if I talk it through slowly then it might help me" I nodded. "Okay, first off can I ask how he got into the house and tied you up?" I asked. "He snuck through the back door while I was cleaning the kitchen, he put his hand over my mouth and told me if I screamed he would kill you. He took me upstairs and tied me to the chair and started asking questions about you and our sex life, he said he wanted you but you heard my response and thats what happened before you showed up" She said. "Do you blame me for that happening?" I asked. "Of course not Toni, you don't control him okay?" "What if I am like him? He has a screw loose Cher" "Toni, you are nothing like your father, you have never forced me into anything I didn't want to do, if I wanted to stop you would stop and you would also listen to why I stopped and more importantly, you would understand. For you to ask consent gave me the confidence you will never try what Nick and your Father did to me. I love you Toni Topaz! I will never stop loving you, when we first had sex when you asked for consent, it shocked me because I thought you would just be there to have a shag and then leave like everyone else did but that made me realise that I am worth more and you helped me to see that. After that, I knew I wanted to be with you forever and I would of done anything to keep you by my side" "Thank you, that means a lot. The reason I ask for consent is because my Father never did, I don't want to be like him, force women into something they don't want to do. Its disrespectful towards them and illegal. I treat women with the respect they deserve and you with respect and a whole lot more, you made me see that I am not some worthless Southside scum that everyone claimed me to be. A nobody, couldn't get decent grades and I wouldn't be able to get a career because of me being in the serpents. They are my family and I would never betray them even if that meant I was homeless. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, the shit we have been through is enough to last us a lifetime. I don't want any more trouble knocking on our door but its guaranteed that won't happen. I love Princess, I don't know what I'd do without you" We leant in and kissed for a couple of minutes before I realised Cheryl was crying. "Hey baby, whats wrong?" I asked her. "Nothing" She said as she tried to kiss me again. "It isn't nothing if you are crying while kissing me, please tell me whats wrong?" "Toni, I had a call from the hospital earlier and they said if I can't find a new kidney within the next week then I am more than likely going to die" I couldn't believe what I was hearing "This world is fucked up, why do they always take good ones. Cheryl I've decided im going to go for a test to see if I am a match, I know its highly unadvised as it probably isn't the case, but its worth a shot" "Okay fine, but if you die Toni, I won't be able to cope" "I won't die Cheryl, I wouldn't dream of leaving you"

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