Part 5: The worst night ever

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Includes talk of rape, If you aren't comfortable please skip this chapter and don't read the details xxx


I couldn't quite believe what Toni had told me, I knew she wouldn't lie about it but the same can't be said for Penelope. She might be telling the truth but I wouldn't know. I jumped on Tonis motorcycle without thinking, I can drive it as Toni taught me. I carried on driving until I came to sweet water river. I just sat there thinking about my childhood and what became of it. Suddenly it hit me, it doesn't matter what happened to me when I was little alls that matters is the other children without parents, maybe adopting will be a thing Toni and I could talk about for the future. I had to go and find Toni, I knew she would be looking around so I decided to wait at Thistlehouse for her.


I was getting worried now! we have been looking for her for over two hours so I called Sweetpea.

Sweet Pea: Hello?

Toni: Pea! Any sign?

Sweet Pea: No, Fangs has gone to check the Southside to make sure she hasn't got her self in bother, but she had her serpent jacket on, I highly doubt it.

Toni: Pea, what if she has done something stupid?

Sweet Pea: What, you mean, suicide?

Toni: It wouldn't be the first time she has tried something like that.

Sweet Pea: Toni, Red loves you, she wouldn't do that to you. Go back to Thistlehouse to see if she decided to go home.

Toni: Call me straight away if you find her

Sweet Pea: yes I will Tiny.

Toni: Don't call me that

After I said that, I hung up and started making my way to Thistlehouse to see if Cheryl was there. I was on the road home before I heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from a house down the road. I ran and ran to where it was coming from and stopped right outside Thistlehouse. I could still hear screaming. I snuck around the back and threw a window that was open. I looked quietly for Cheryl. I could hear whimpering coming from our bedroom. The door was slightly open, I decided to call Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea: You heard anything?

Toni: Listen: I am in Thistlehouse

Sweet Pea: Why are you whispering?

Toni: There is someone in the house, I can see them with Cheryl, she is crying Pea. But if I go in there that could get her hurt

Sweet Pea: Hang on! Don't do anything that could put you and Cheryl at risk. Im grabbing Fangs then we will be there as quick as possible

Toni: Hurry up Pea! I can't take much more of this, it's breaking my heart

Sweet Pea: We won't be long, stay strong for Red

After the call, I stood close to the door and heard the intruder talking to her. "Where is she?" They asked. "Who?" Cheryl asked innocently. "You know who! My daughter, Antionette" They screamed and then hit her. "Look Toni and I broke up two months after visiting you and I haven't spoke to her since" Cheryl pleaded. She looked at the door and saw me, I signalled her to be quiet. "How are you out of prison? You lost your appeal and had to serve the rest of your sentence which was 9 months" "Less questions Blossom, if you must know I escaped that place has worse security than McDonalds." "Why would you risk going back to that place to come and see me?" "I didn't want to see you because you see, I find you very attractive and I don't think I can control my self around you" I couldn't believe what my father was saying, he was hitting on my wife. "Well the same can't be said for me" I heard Cheryl say. I heard a whack and something hit the floor, I looked through the crack in the door and Cheryl fell of the chair she was on. He picked her up and untied her. I saw him reach to unbuckle his belt. I couldn't take much more but this could get both of us seriously hurt so I carried on watching. He pushed her on the bed and forcing him self on top of him, he started to kiss her neck and thats when I stormed into the room. "What the fuck is going on?" I yelled. He turned around and looked surprised to see me "You see Toni, me and your ex girlfriend are together now and you interrupted our intimate moment, you will pay for that" He replied. "How pig headed must you be to see that Cheryl has two rings on her wedding finger, one an engagement ring and one a wedding ring." He looked at Cheryl "Baby, you didn't tell me you were married, I wouldn't of minded you know" Cheryl just looked at him in disgust. "Toni, why are you even here? At your ex girlfriends house?" He asked. "Well, you see that wedding ring Cheryl has on, I have one too" "Why didn't you tell me you got married, Who to?" he asked, I scoffed. "To a beautiful, sexy woman" "Woman?" He asked. "Yes a woman" "I thought you would've gotten over this Toni, tomorrow you are going the solicitors and filing for a divorce" "You can't dictate what I do, you can't force me into anything anymore, like you did when I was 14 and you certainly won't force Cheryl into anything, she is the love of my life and nothing will change that. I love her so much. Cheryl is my wife and nothing is going to change" His face. "Well thats not true, Ours and Cheryls relationship is pure and genuine, I love her and I know she loves me, not you Toni." He shoved Cheryl on the floor and kicked her so she couldn't get back up, I tried to help but I couldn't. He grabbed me and tied me to the chair Cheryl was tied up to. Tears started to stream down my face watching Cheryl get hurt. "Now, I am going to force you to watch us have sex" He said bitterly. "Please leave me alone! I beg you" I heard Cheryl plead with him, he started to pull down his trousers and underwear as he climbed on top of Cheryl, him trying to pull down her tights. Before I could say anything else, Sweet Pea and Fangs came rushing in and pulling him off of Cheryl, one keeping him down and the other came to untie me. I ran to Cheryl and hugged her as gently as possible. We both had tears streaming from our eyes. "I'm so sorry Babygirl! I should've come in earlier, maybe stopped that from happening" "Toni, don't blame yourself. How are two women meant to defend themselves against a monster!" "If I tried hard enough, I could've fought him if I tried" I said. "Toni, don't blame yourself. Look I don't blame you for anything that has happened tonight, Okay? We will get through this" I heard the sheriff siren coming down, they came into they house and took him away "Hey girls, there will be no need to go in court because we witnessed a lot in prison of him trying this kind of thing, he will be put in seg and be given life so he won't be bothering you anymore, if you girls would like counselling, I can get in touch and sort something out?" The sheriff asked. "We just need time to process what has happened" They nodded and walked out. Cheryl called out for Sweet Pea and Fangs. "Hey boys, thank you for saving us, I hope you don't feel like I am pushing you into it but I was wondering if you two wanted to live here again, at least until we feel safe again" "Yeah of course Cheryl" "Your old rooms are still set up" They walked out and I walked up to her. "Do you wan to grab a shower baby?" I asked her. "Yeah, can you join me?" She asked. Normally I would but I just wanted to make sure. "Are you sure princess?" I asked. "Yeah, I don't want to be alone" I followed her into the bathroom and we spent the whole night cuddled up to each other afraid to let go.

This chapter was very hard to write, but I wanted to address it as it is something I have previously been through.

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