Part 12: Adoption plans

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I woke up the next day with a big smile, "Morning beautiful" I heard Toni say. I didn't reply instead I cuddled into her neck just wanting to be near her. "You feeling okay baby?" She asked me. "Yeah, I'm feeling great, what about you?" I asked. "I'm good, I can't wait to hear from the adoption agency" She replied. "I know, soon we will be parents. It's crazy" "Are we telling anyone?" Toni asked. "I think we should wait until we hear back and know for definite we are having a child." "Okay, whatever you want baby" And we sealed that conversation with a kiss.

Later that day

We were all sitting downstairs. Toni was lying down, I was lying on top of her. Sweet pea was sitting up with Veronica on his lap and then Betty and Jughead were sitting next to each other. We were just chatting about life. "So Cheryl, Toni have you guys thought about kids?" Betty asked. Toni stuttered so I quickly answered. "I mean we've spoke about it and we feel right now isn't the best time" I told them just as I finished my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and noticed it was the adoption agency. "Give me two seconds guys, I have to answer it. Toni come on" We both got up and I answered the phone

Cheryl: Hello?

AA: Hello Cheryl, are you somewhere that you can talk privately?

Cheryl: Yeah, I'm with my wife now

AA: Okay so we have children that hope to be adopted

Cheryl: Okay

AA: We feel one would fit right in with you and your wife but there is one problem

Cheryl: Whats that?

AA: They have a twin and they don't want to be separated.

Cheryl: Okay, can you give me an hour and I will call back. 

AA: Yes of course

Cheryl: Just out of curiosity, what are their names, genders and age?

AA: There is one boy and one girl, they are 7 and their names are Alfie James and Roxy, they don't have last names obviously and Roxy doesn't have a middle name.

Cheryl: Thank you so much, I will be in touch.

I put the phone down. "What did they say?" Toni asked. "They have a child that they think is perfect for us but there is a small matter of a twin" I told her. "Okay, were you given any information?" She asked. "Yeah, one is a boy and one is a girl, they are 7. Their names are Alfie James and Roxy. But do you think we are ready for twins babe?" I asked. "I dunno, I mean I want a child more than anything but splitting them away from a sibling seems wrong" "I know, so the only way is to have both, are you okay with that?" I asked. "Yeah, as long as you are. Call them back"

Cheryl: Hello

AA: Hi, how can I help you?

Cheryl: I was just called about adopting two twins, I have spoke to my wife and we will adopt them

AA: Okay, can I take your names please?

Cheryl: Cheryl Topaz and Antoinette Topaz

AA: Okay, we will be in contact very soon to sort out the arrangements.

Cheryl: Thank you so much

"Shall we tell the others?" Toni asked while I was crying with happiness "Yeah, come on" We walked in as all of them sat up "Guys whats happened?" Sweet pea asked. " Do you want to tell them baby?" I asked Toni, she just nodded her head. "So Cheryl had a call and that was an agency letting us know that we are going to be parents to twins" Everyone got up and congratulated us. "So how old are they? Names?" Veronica asked. "They are 7 and they are called Alfie James Topaz and Roxy Topaz. Our little gemstones" I said to them.

I couldn't believe it, we are going to be parents and it feels amazing. Life is finally going our way.

A/N: Hi guys, I know this chapter is small and updates for both books will be slow as I want to get college out the way, my classes finish in June and then I should be able to write more. Thank you for reading this far X X X

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