Part 10: Group chats and Increased Sex Drive

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1 month later


So in the last month, Cher and I have been sex deprived. Sweet Pea proposed to Veronica, she said yes which was amazing news. Betty proposed to jughead in which his response was can my ring be a burger? Betty didn't take to that Kindly, they split up but soon enough got back together and Jughead proposed to her in a romantic way and Betty also said yes. So life is going great for everyone except me and Cheryl who haven't had sex in a month and its pure torture. Considering we are the only married couple and we are the most miserable just doesn't seem right.

"Baby, come cuddle with me" I moaned to Cher. She walked over to me and lay next to me. "What's the matter, TT?" "I want you baby girl" I heard her giggle. "Toni, I want you too but you know what the hospital said" She replied. "But I can't wait another month Cher" "Just because we can't have sex, doesn't mean we can't do other stuff" Cheryl told me. "But if we start that then I will want to carry on and that is just abuse" I joked. As we continued laughing both of us had a text through

A new text message to group chat called Veronicas Bitches

Veronica: Hey guys, do you want to go to Lodge Lodge this weekend?

I looked at Cher and she just nodded

Toni: Yeah I'm down

Cheryl: Yeah sure

Toni: Who else is coming?

Veronica: Sweet Pea, Betty and Jughead

Cheryl: The hobos are coming?

Toni: We aren't going through this again, stop calling them Hobos, its mean

Cheryl: I am mean, what are you going to do about it?

Toni: Divorce you!

Sweet Pea: Oh no she didn't lol

Veronica: Don't get involved Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea: I won't babe, I'm sorry

Veronica: Its okay

Toni: V, Will you please tell Cheryl to stop calling Betty and Jughead hobos?

Veronica: No! She is telling the truth hahaha

Jughead: Have you forgotten we are both in the group chat

Cheryl: Told you Toni :p

Toni: Now isn't the time for this baby

Cheryl: Is there a right time Toni?

Toni: Alls I am telling you is to stop being mean to your cousin and cousin in law

Cheryl: DONT call them that

Betty: You love me really Cher

Jughead: Are people just going to ignore me?

Cheryl: No I don't Betty

Jughead: I guess thats my answer


Toni: Come on Cher, stop being the two faced bitch you were in High School

Cheryl: I haven't changed, I have always been that two faced bitch

Veronica: No you haven't, you changed when you got with Toni

Sweet Pea: Because you are whipped

Cheryl: Fine, I love Betty but not Jughead

Betty: Thanks Cher

Veronica: So are we okay to go this weekend?

Toni: Sounds good

Cheryl: Sure 

Sweet Pea: Course baby

Betty: Yeah, Jug and I can come

Veronica: Thats settled then, we leave on Friday and return home Sunday

"You excited baby?" I asked her. I didn't get a reply. "Babe?" I asked again. Still got no reply. I looked at her and she sat there arms folded with her angry face. "Come on Cher, you aren't in high school anymore, you can't keep doing this. Ignoring me every time we disagree on something." I told her. "Why are you so bothered about me insulting them?" She asked. "They are your family, whether you like it or not, the least you could do is try and be nice" "You've gone soft in your old age Topaz" She giggled. We leant into kiss. I sat up and straddled her as I deepened the kiss, before anything else could happen we were interrupted by my phone ringing. "Its the hospital" I said "Just answer it"

Toni: Hello?

Hospital: Hi Antionette, we would like to speak with you and your wife. Today if possible

Toni: Yeah okay, we can come in now

Hospital: Yes thats perfect.

I hung up the phone. "They want to speak to us today, come on we better go"

We made it to the hospital and waited to be called in. "Cheryl and Toni, they are ready for you" We got up and walked into the room. "It's lovely to see you again" The nurse said "Likewise" "Okay so we wanted to talk to you as we had a look at both of your scans after the op, so Toni yours was fine, no concerns about the healing process and I think you have healed exceptionally quick and should be able to get back to normal, sports activities and sexual activities" A big smile was painted across my face. "Thank you" I told her. "And Cheryl, you know how difficult of an op yours was, luckily yours has healed very well too and should be able to get back to the same activities as Toni. Although there is some bad news for you Toni" "Okay! anything serious?" I asked. "Well it might not be in your case depending on your future plans with Cheryl, I'm sorry to say Toni, you can't have children. You have PCOS which is PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome, so in basic terminology you have cysts that causes your body to not release as many eggs, there is still a chance but slim to none. Have you experienced any symptoms which are; irregular periods or no periods at all, excessive hair growth (hirsutism) – usually on the face, chest, back or buttocks, weight gain, thinning hair and hair loss from the head or oily skin or acne." "I mean my periods have been a bit over place but I thought that was normal and just my body taking its time, but none of the others." "Okay there is one more symptom, increased sex drive?" I started smiling. "I suppose but thats because I haven't had sex in like a month" "Okay, if you were thinking about having children naturally, I wouldn't let this stop you from trying but the cysts you have, if they don't go away they will have to be surgically removed" "Okay thank you, so you will call me with updates and dates for further tests?" "Yes exactly" "Thank you again" "Anytime" We got up and left. We got in the car. "You okay baby?" Cher asked me. "I'm fine baby girl, I mean I was just told that I might not be able to have children but thats not an option anyway since im with you and you heard what she said! We can finally have sex" "Yeah I was thinking about that. Lets wait until Lodge Lodge" Cheryl said. "NO NO NO NO. I can't wait any more. ITS TUESDAY AND IM NOT WAITING UNTIL FRIDAY TO HAVE SEX WHEN WE HAVE BEEN CLEARED" I said raising my voice. "All of this because I denied you sex" Cheryl giggled. "Yes, when we get home trust me it is going down" I said to her. " The nurse is right, your sex drive is through the roof" We both giggled.

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