Part 3: The truth about the incident

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I have been sitting in the waiting room, waiting obviously for Cheryl to finish with her scan. As much as I wanted to they wouldn't let me in so I decided to stay.

It had been two hours and I was getting bored so it was lucky Cheryl had just finished. "Hey baby, did everything go okay?" I asked. "Yeah,  just took forever" She exclaimed. "I know, tell me about it" I joked. "Oi, you weren't in there. You can't say anything" She answered back. "Okay babygirl, how you feeling anyway?" I asked with concern. "Tired but other than that okay I suppose. I mean I might have cancer but if I do I will deal with it" She replies. "WE will deal with it" We leant in and had a kiss, I decided to try and heat things up a bit. Although it had been a while. We started with tongues, I jumped on top of Cheryl, straddling her. I knew that if I didn't stop now, I wouldn't. I pulled away and started giggling. "Baby we can't have sex in your hospital room" I exclaimed. "Why?" She groaned. "If the doctors walk in, we could get into huge amounts of trouble. Anyway you go home tomorrow so we can have a sexy time then, Okay princess?" I asked her. "Yeah I suppose" She said sadly. "Hey come on, we haven't slept in the same bed for two and a half months you should be excited" I told her. "Not really, you are a hogger. You steal the quilt Toni" She sternly said. "I do not" I said pretending to be offended. "You do too and you know it" Cheryl giggled. "Maybe I do but you love me anyway" "That I do" Cheryl answered.

Waiting for these results is like watching a pot boil, it never does. It keeps me on edge, I don't want to go through this, I mean we hardly had anytime married before the crash. Life just isn't fair, why to us, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

"Hey baby" I say to her. "Hey TT, where you been?" she asked. "I went to pops with Sweet pea and V, they were filling me in on their holiday" "I want to go on holiday" Cheryl starts to groan. "Do you remember what happened last time? The crash" "I know Toni but if you think about it, its kind of a blessing in disguise. I'm still here and if I wasn't I could be living with cancer not knowing about it" "Yeah, I know. Give me two seconds baby girl" I walk out of the room and pull my phone out of my pocket to call jughead

Toni: Hey Jug, I was wondering if there was anymore news on the crash?

Jughead: I've been meaning to call you actually, I can't remember if I told you but it was done deliberately, Betty and I have been working non stop to try and figure out who is behind it. We hit a major breakthrough two days ago. DNA was found on the car belonging to a certain blonde girl who has caused you trouble before. 

Toni: Heather?

Jughead: Yeah, I am so sorry Toni, maybe telling Cheryl isn't the best idea.

Toni: If you think I am keeping this from her then you are wrong, I don't keep secrets with my wife

Jughead: Betty and I are still working on tracking her down and maybe its best, if Cheryl gets let out to come and live with me for a while.

Toni: Thanks Jones, I appreciate that a lot. Speak soon brother.

Jughead: Talk later Topaz.

I stood outside Cheryls room for a few minutes after I ended the call. I couldn't believe this, after I thought she was gone. She pops up again.

"What happened?" Cheryl sternly said. "What do you mean baby?" I asked innocently. "You rush off and don't come back for half an hour, what was so important you had to leave me for that. long?" she asked. "Okay I was on the phone to Jughead" "What did the Hobo want?" "I called him actually to see if there was anything else on the crash" "Toni the crash was months ago, you have to let it go" Cheryl told me. "Not when somebody tried to kill us Cheryl" I Snapped. "What?" "Yep, it was done deliberately, Jughead has known for a while but hasn't told anyone except Betty, they kept investigating and found DNA at the scene" I said to her. "Go on, who was it Toni?" "I don't want to tell you" "ANTIONETTE TOPAZ YOU BETTER TELL ME RIGHT NOW" "Don't raise your voice at me Cher, you know I don't like it" "Well then will you please tell who the fuck tried to kill us?" "Heather" One single name and one broken woman. "I'm going to fucking kill her, I swear to god, I will hunt her down and strangle her with my bare hands. We hadn't seen her for 8 months, life was peaceful. But no she can't leave us alone." "Come on Cher you know what the doctor said, stress will make your situation worse and thats why I have jughead doing that for us, okay?" "Okay, I love you Toni Topaz" "I love you to Cheryl Topaz"

2 minutes later the doctor walked in with an unhealthy look on his face. "Im sorry to tell you this Cheryl but you 100% have cancer, the good thing is we caught it early so it can easily be cured with the right treatment" "Thank you doctor"

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