Part 22: Revealing everything

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A/N: I'm so sorry it's been so long! But hopefully I'm back for good!


It has been a week since Toni got back, she hasn't really spoke much about what happened when she was working for the ghoulies, I'm sure she's just trying to protect me but I want to help her get through this, she's still trying to adjust to living her normal life without being controlled every minute of the day. The trial for the ghoulies will be next week and I know she is afraid, if they get off then they will come after me and the three kids but I want to get her talking about it so I know what she went through. "Hey babe, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked Toni. "Yeah sure, everything okay Cher?" She asked. "Well since you've been back, I know you've been on edge. I want you to talk to me about what happened, you haven't really said anything. I know something must've happened. You were there for a year and a half Toni." She sighed. "Okay, I didn't really want you to know anything about what happened and I don't what the kids to know or to over hear a conversation so we can talk about it later. We can call Veronica to see if she can baby sit and then we can go to Pops and I will tell you everything." I nodded my head and then called Veronica to see if she could come over and of course she could.

Veronica just arrived. "Hey V, are you sure you're okay to babysit while Toni and I have a proper talk about everything?" "Yeah, of course" "Thanks V, T, are you ready?" "Yeah, I'm coming".

We left and arrived at Pops pretty quickly. We left the car and entered the diner and found a booth in the corner that was empty. "Are you sure you're okay to tell me everything T?" I asked. "Yeah, I need to tell you" She said. I nodded and then Toni proceeded. "Well on the night of the fight, it was all going great until more and more ghoulies were showing up and suddenly each serpent had to fight off at least six of them each and I couldn't fight back, I tried, I really did but they were too strong. I ended up in the back of a van and it felt like we were driving for hours until we reached a warehouse. They took me out the van and took me into the main part of the building. I was lying on the floor tied up while they were talking in the corner, thats when they filmed the video to persuade every one I was dead. They shot me in the leg and made me act dead. Once they ended the video, they took to one of the ghoulies who knew a little bit of first aid so they could fix my leg. I was in and out of it for a few hours until my leg was patched up. I was made to stay in that room until my leg was almost fully healed and thats when they said I had to work for them and do what they said. I knew from then I was going to escape but I knew I had to earn their trust before even trying to attempt it. So for months I was made to do everything for them. I had to work in their bar and all the disgusting men were trying to come on to me but I couldn't do anything about it as they would beat me if I answered back. But one time there was this old man about 65 years old, he kept trying to touch me, I was pulling away from him but one of the head ghoulies saw me and he took me to the back room and beat me, he broke one of my ribs and left me in the back room all alone. I was there for 10 minutes when I heard the door open and it was the old man who was hitting on me. He picked me up and sat me on a chair. He asked me quite a few questions but I didn't answer anything, he kept trying while coming closer to me until I could feel his breath on my neck. I pushed him away and then he came lunging at me, he was kissing me while I was trying to push him off, but I couldn't. He was trying to have sex with me and I wasn't going to let it happen. I fought as hard as I could and I eventually managed to kick him in the nuts. I got up as quick as I could and ran out of the bar. I ran for about 5 minutes and I couldn't carry on. I was in so much pain, so I stopped. I shouldn't have stopped because they caught me and starved me for days. Alls I wanted to do was to come home, I wanted to be with you and the kids but they wouldn't let me. The ghoulies knew that if the serpents thought they killed me then they wouldn't go after them again as they couldn't lose any more of them. From then I did as I was told and earned their trust back. Then came the night I escaped. One of the ghoulies fell asleep. I grabbed his keys to his bike and I rode to the trailer park to let FP and Jughead know I was okay and then I came straight to Thistlehouse after." "Omg Toni, I wish I could've helped you, if its any consolation, I almost killed Jughead when he told me you were missing and dead, the only reason I didn't was because the kids love their uncle Jug. I have one question though" I said to her. "Okay, what is it?" She asked. "That old man, he didn't rape you did he? I know you said you kicked him away but I just want to be sure" I said to her. "Okay that old man didn't rape me the first time I tried to escape. Once they recaptured me, the ghoulies decided to earn money by getting men to sleep with me, I tried to fight it every time but I couldn't. I'm so sorry"  A tear streamed down both of our faces. I hugged her and told her everything would be okay. After everything we've been through with her dad and now this, its heartbreaking. "It's okay T, you're safe now" I cried as I hugged her. 

"I wish I had listened to you, and not gone. I wouldn't have missed the birth of our son and missed him first crawling, his first word, his first time peeing all over you" She chuckled through her tears. "I know it's not the same but I videoed it all. Not the peeing because that's a little weird, there isn't a video of the birth but there are photos I can show you" I tell her. "I'd like that, come on. Let's go home"

at home, Cheryl is showing Toni the pictures and videos

"Aww, look at this one, he is spitting up all over you" Toni laughed. "Yeah, I wasn't happy. That was a new shirt. I had to chuck it away after that. I couldn't get the stains out" I told her while I chuckled. Just as Toni was about to start speaking again, there was a knock at the door and then it just opened. I stood up and saw a girl that won't leave me the hell alone. "Cheryl! Why the fuck have you been ignoring me?" The girl snapped. "Excuse me? Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing in my house?" Toni defended as she stood up and stepped in front of me. "Who the hell are you? This is not your house, this is Cheryls house" She smirked. "Well the last time I checked, both mine and Cheryls name are on the lease of the house. So, I'll ask again. Who the fuck are you? and why are you in our house?" She said again. "I'm Cheryls girlfriend" She said. 

This girl is not my girlfriend, we went on a couple dates. I only recently started dating again before Toni got back. Toni looks at me with hurt in her eyes. "She is not my girlfriend, we went on a couple dates and now this bitch won't leave me alone" I tell her. "Babe, why are you telling her all of this? Why is she here anyway?" The girl turns around. I scoff and cool my eyes. "I'm not your babe, I told you I was done with you. I told you I didn't want to see you anymore" I say to her. "So you got with this slut?" The girl snapped referring to Toni. "Excuse me? That's my wife!" I yelled. "You told me you got a divorce" The girl said. "Yes, I did! We didn't get a divorce, she went missing, she was kidnapped and held captive for over a year and a half. I thought she was dead. I didn't tell you because I couldn't without crying. Now, I'd like you to leave please"


"... I'd like you to leave please" Cheryl says. I know this girl from somewhere but I don't know where. I know her though.

OMG! She's a ghoulie. I remember now. I know she has a weapon on her, all of them always carry weapons so I had to be smart about this. I step to the side of Cheryl and pull out my phone, making sure the girl didn't see me. I text Jughead.

texts between Jughead and Toni

Toni: Call the police and get them to come to Thistlehouse. Tell them don't use sirens and to knock. I'll explain later

Jug: I got you. I'm on my way. I'll wait outside!

Toni: Thanks Jug!

Jug: We're family T, thats what we do

I put my phone away quickly and we just had to wait. I grab Cheryls hand and I see the glare that the girl shoots me. "Tessa, I'd like you to leave please" Cheryl says. I squeeze Cheryls hand, she looks at me confused. I shake my head, she understands that something must be happening so she doesn't say anything else when Tessa makes no move to leave.

I hope this will go okay, I will NOT be taken from my family again!

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Is it meant to be? || CHONI SEQUEL (discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें