Part 8: Operations and proposal talks

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm and Chers cute snores. Since we didn't need to be at the hospital until 7:30 I didn't want to wake Cher up yet. I lay there cuddled with her, watching her sleep. I started to think about the operation and what if it went wrong, if Cheryls operation went wrong that will destroy me and the serpents, if mine went wrong I would be leaving Cheryl and destroying her. I let a tear escape from my eye. "Baby whats wrong?" Cheryl said. "I thought you were asleep Princess" I told her. "That doesn't matter, please tell me whats wrong Toni" "I was just thinking about your operation and if it goes wrong, it will destroy me Cheryl" I exclaimed. "Toni, if it does, you will survive okay? But the hospital knows what they are doing so that won't happen" "I love you so much babe" I said to her while pulling her on top of me. "I love you too TT" We had a make out session for 10 minutes before we decided to get up and ready to go to the hospital. "You ready beautiful?" I asked her. "As I'll ever be" 

We arrived at the hospital and checked in, they allowed us to be placed in a semi private room together which was shocking, we both got unchanged and got in our gowns, they are hideous. I was about to climb in to my bed when Cher asked me to join her. Who was I to deny that request. "You feeling good baby?" I asked her. "Yeah, better than I have been in a long time, I will just be glad when this is over. We can then maybe start looking into having children" She said to me. "That sounds like a plan, what are your thoughts on that?" "I was thinking adoption, I know there is surrogacy but why bring a child into the world when there are many without homes already" Cher stated. "Okay, adoption it is" I finished what I was saying the doctor came in and told us that they are ready to take us both down for our operations. "Good luck baby, I love you" I said to her. "I love you too" We gave each other a kiss and then were separated to go to our theatre rooms

2 hours later

I woke up back in the same room Cheryl and I shared. I looked around and couldn't see her "Ah your awake" The doctor said. "Wheres Cheryl?" I asked "She is still in surgery" "Why? Is something wrong?" I asked. "Nope, everything is going to plan so far, her operation will take a bit longer than yours as she has to have the kidney installed" "Okay, how long will it be?" "About another hour, you have a visitor" I tried to think who it could be. "Who is it?" I asked. "Two girls, I didn't catch their names, do you want them to come in?" "Yeah, please." "Okay I will go and get them" Two minutes later she coming walking in with Betty and Veronica "Hey Toni" They both said "Hey guys" I said to them while trying to sit up. "OW fuck" "Yeah Topaz, probably not a good idea" Veronica told me. "Anyway how are you feeling?" Betty asked. "Good as can be really, I just want to see Cher, I thought she would be done by now" I said to them. "She is in capable hands Toni" "I know, so how is it going with Sweet pea?" I asked her. "Great, I love him so much, its just the best" "Aww thats great V, how about you and Jughead?" "I mean, we have been dating for a log time, the romantic side of Jughead has to be bought back, the burning passion has been lost." "how about marriage? Have you guys spoke about that?" I asked her. "I mean we have but he hasn't acted on it" "Who says it has to be Jughead to propose to you, why don't you propose to him?" I asked. "I don't know T" "Look when I proposed to Cher it was the most magical thing, it felt insane" "I will think about it" She said. We sat talking for an hour. "Okay girls, we will have to ask you to leave the room while Cheryl comes around from the anaesthetic, then you are welcome back" The nurse said "Betty, you think about what I said" I told her before she left. I saw them put Cheryl bed next to mine, I looked over at her sleeping peacefully without knowing the pain she was going to be waking up to.

I heard shuffling next to me, I looked over to see Cheryl looking around the room. Her eyes stopped dead at me. "Hey cutie" I said to her. "Hey baby, you feeling okay?" She asked me slightly slurring from just being asleep. "Yeah, I'm a little sore but I'm good, how about you, you feeling okay?" "Yeah, I will be fine just hurts" She giggled. "Ow, don't laugh or make me laugh Toni" "Okay babe, guess what?" I asked her. "What?" She said while looking at me "Betty might be proposing to Jughead" "Wow, why are all our friends getting engaged" She said. "hey you have been proposed to, and now your married. When we are healed how about we go away for a few weeks, take some time for ourselves" "That sounds perfect and when we have kids we can take them too" As we both couldn't move, we reached our arms out and held each others hand. "Hey baby? are you glad we had sex 6 times yesterday?" I asked. "Oh my god yes, I am in pain" Just as she finished, Betty, Veronica and their other halves were here. "Hey guys" Cher greeted. "hey you feeling okay?" Sweet Pea asked us both. We both looked at each other and answered together. "Sore" We both said, they all giggled while we tried not to. They rest of the night we all just started to chat until visiting hours were over.

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