Part 7: Driving quarrels and operations ahead

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Today is the day I am going for my test to see whether I am a match, I want to be but if I'm not then Cher and I will have to figure out another way to get a kidney. "Hey baby, you feeling okay?"  Cheryl asked me. "Yeah, I'm good, enough about me! How are you feeling?" I replied to her. "I'm tired but that is to be expected. You ready to go?" "Yeah, let me grab my keys then we can leave" We just left the house and Cheryl wanted to drive us. Oh boy!! "Cher are you sure you want to drive?" I asked. "Yes baby, I am an excellent driver" she replied. "Yeah because you make the speed limit your bitch" I giggled. "Its there as a suggestion TT" "No Princess those are the laws, how did you even pass your test?" I asked while giggling, she didn't answer me but it earned a slap on the back of the head. "Fine you can drive but be careful" I gave in "I will, don't worry" "You saying that makes me worry Princess" 

We somehow made it to the hospital. "See I am a great driver" Cheryl gloated "Whatever you say baby" I laughed. We entered the hospital hand in hand waiting for myself to be called. "Antionette Topaz?" The nurse shouted. Cher and I both stood up. "Your friend will have to stay out here I'm afraid" The nurse stated. "She isn't my friend, more like wife, I love you baby, see you soon" I walked into the room. "Im sorry about that, we aren't allowed to assume sexuality so I have to say friend with everybody" The nurse apologised. "Its okay, she is why I'm here, her kidney is failing and I need to be a match otherwise there is possibility she could die" "I am here to help" The nurse said.


Toni had been in for an hour, I saw the door open and she came and gave me hug. "Hey how did it go?" I asked. "I have no idea, they said if I am a match, they will call us today and we both have our operations tomorrow" "That soon?" I asked. "Yeah, its important that they do it as quick as possible, come on lets go home and I am driving, you scare me" Toni replied

We just pulled up at home, I opened the door and felt someone push me up against the wall. It was Toni. "You look fucking sexy, baby" She rasped. "Whats bought this on, T?" I asked. "You looking so fucking hot its almost illegal" She turned me around as we smashed our lips together, we made out for a couple of minutes before Toni started going down my neck and leaving hickeys. She picked me up and I wrapped my legs around her, we entered our bedroom as she placed me on the bed. She looked at me "We can stop if you aren't feeling up to it babe" Toni said thoughtfully. "Thats thoughtful babe but if we both have the operation we won't be able to have sex for a couple of weeks so in other words yes I am up to it" She smiled as she leant back down and reattached our lips.

3 hours later

"Babe, we haven't gone 6 times since we were 17" Toni said. "I know, If I wasn't tired before I am now" "You go to sleep baby, I will go make us some food and I will come upstairs if the hospital calls" Toni said. "Thank you baby, I love you sooooo much" "I love you more" She told me before she left.


I decided I didn't want to cook so I guess Pops it is. I made my way to Pops and ordered the food to go. I sat down just thinking about Cher and the operation while I heard the bell go to the diner. "Hey Toni, is Cheryl feeling any better?" Sweet Pea asked. "I guess, she is tired all the time. I went to go and see if I match with Cheryl today" "And?" He asked waiting for the answer. "I don't know yet, I am waiting for a call" "Order for Topaz" The waiter called. I collected our food and carried on talking to Pea "How are you and V doing?" I asked. "Yeah we are good, together 2 and half years and I think I am ready to ask the question Tiny" "Omg, thats amazing! When are you thinking?" I asked. "I don't know, I need help" "Well you could have it small and intimate or go like me and propose in front of everyone" "Im not too sure about that incase she declines" He giggled. "Well have a think, let me know and I can help you. As of right now I need to go and see my wife, I miss her" "Whipped" Sweet pea said while laughing. "oi, I am married now so you can say that, you on the other hand are whipped also" I said while leaving.

I made it back to Thistlehouse and I was about to go upstairs before my phone rang, I placed the food down and answered it

Toni: Hello?

Hospital: Hello is this Antionette Topaz?

Toni: Yeah

Hospital: we have your results back from the tests you did earlier today

Toni: Okay, what are they?

Hospital: The tests show that you are in fact able to provide kidney for your wife

Toni: Thank you so much, so what happens now?

Hospital: We have got your operations booked fro tomorrow at 8am

Toni: Thank you again, we will see you tomorrow

I couldn't believe it, I grabbed the food and ran upstairs to see Cher sitting on the bed "Hey babe" She said to me. "Hey sorry I took so long, I ran into Sweetpea at Pops and we got to talking and he is planning to propose to V" "Really? wow would not have guessed" Cher said shocked. "So anyway I had a call from the hospital and it turns out I am a match and the operation is tomorrow" I said her happily. "thank you Toni, for this. It means the world" "You are my world and thats why I'm doing it" "I love you" "I love you too"

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