Part 17: The fate

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Today is the day that the social worker is coming to our house to make this official, even though the kids have told us that they want to stay with us I am still slightly worried they may have changed their minds. I know if one wants to stay and one doesn't that they won't stay with us as I wouldn't want to split them up. Its hard. "Hey, kids once you have finished your breakfast, do you want to go and get dressed for the meeting?" I asked them. "Yeah momma, wheres mommy?" Alfie asked. "I've let her sleep in today, it's very rare." I giggled. "So be quiet while you get ready" "Okay momma" Roxy said.

While the kids are getting ready, I went upstairs to wake Cher up. I sat on the bed and took the opportunity to look at my beautiful wife. I stroked her hair while whispering "Baby, come on. you have to wake up" She looked at me and smiled. We didn't say anything we just leant in and kissed one another. "Morning babe" "Morning Princess, I love you" "I love you too Tones" We kissed again and this time we heard the kids. "Ewwww" We both giggled. "Wow kids, you look very smart" Cher said. Alfie was dressed in a shirt and tie which wasn't done properly so I will sort it out and Roxy had her hair brushed straight and a cute little dress on. "Thanks mommy, I'm sorry I can't say the same for you" Roxy said. "You cheeky monkey, I've just woken up, you have to give me some time to get ready" We all giggled.

It was a couple hours later and the social worker has just showed up. "Hi Miss White, nice to see you again" "Likewise, how are the children?" She asked. "They are great, they are in the other room." She followed us. "Alfie, Roxy. Miss White is here to talk to you" "Okay momma" "If its okay, I would like to speak to Cheryl and Toni first" We followed her into the kitchen. "Would you like a drink?" Cheryl asked. "A water if you don't mind" The woman answered. "Well I can see the kids have settled extremely well, you have been called mom, how does that feel?" She asked. "I was shocked when they said it the first time, it was when they woke up one morning and it felt right, it felt amazing" Cheryl answered. "What about you Toni?" Miss White asked. "It was amazing, I never get tired of hearing it" "Great, now here comes the part where I ask the kids if they want to stay here" "Okay, shall we stay here?" "If you don't mind" She left the room. "Baby, come sit with me" I asked her. She walked over and sat on my knee. "We will be fine baby, they already said that they want to stay with us" I tried to reassure her. "But what if they changed their minds?" she asked. "Why would they?"I asked. "Kids change their minds everyday babe, they don't know what they want" "Alfie and Roxy are smart kids, I'm sure they won't" "Well there is only one way to find out" We both got up as Miss White walked in with the twins. "Congratulations, Mrs and Mrs Topaz-Blossom, the twins can legally be adopted by you" The twins ran up and jumped in our arms. "Hey baby boy, you okay?" I asked Alfie. "Yeah, can we invite the gang round, momma? Please" He begged. Miss White looked around confused. "Yes, I will text them to see if they want to come around" "The gang?" Miss White asked. "Oh our friends, they get along really well with them, especially my brothers. They love them and they play football every time, don't you?" I asked him. "Yeah, I want to be a football player when I grow up" He said "Oh wow, you will have to keep working hard then" He shook his head. "Thank you for everything Miss White, we really appreciate it" Cheryl told her. "Its my pleasure, I best be going. I wish you a happy life with these two" She left. then I decided to call the others to come and hang out and they said yes. I swear none of them have jobs. "Are they coming momma?" I was asked by Roxy. "Yeah they are, how about you two go and get changed because you will probably go and play football and you will get your nice clothes dirty" Cheryl told them. "Yes mommy" they ran up the stairs and into their rooms to change. "You okay princess?" I asked her. "More than okay" She jumped on the sideband I walked in between her legs and I wrapped my arms around her neck. "You know I love you, don't you?" Cheryls asked me. "Yeah of course I do, I love you too but why the sudden question?" I asked. "I want to talk to you about something, but not now, maybe later when the kids are in bed. Its important." "Okay? Sounds ominous baby" I told her. "Its all good, I promise" We leant in and kissed. 

Soon after the gang showed up and raced off outside to play football. I sat on the door step watching the kids play with Pea and Fangs while the others cheered. Cher joined me sitting down. "What ya thinking about babe?" She asked me. "I'm just thinking about the kids. How did we get so lucky?" I asked. "I ask myself that everyday" She replied. We shared a kiss and we were interrupted by the twins. "Everything okay kids?" I asked. "We were wondering if we could stay Veronicas and Sweet Peas house tonight?" Cher and I looked at each other "Only if Veronica and Sweet Pea say its okay" They rush off and ask them. They walk over shortly after. "The kids can stay if they want" Veronica told us. "I mean, it would give us some time alone, so that would be great" Cheryl said. "Okay, ill go get their bags ready" I offered. "Ill come and help" Cheryl said.

It was a couple of hours later and everyone had left, the kids are with Veronica and Sweet Pea tonight. We were lying in bed cuddling up. "What did you want to talk to me about baby?" I asked. "You have to promise to listen to me" She said. "I promise" "Well I was thinking about some things and I was wondering if you wanted another child" I didn't know what to say. "Babe say something?" She asked me. "How would you want to go about it? Adoption or another way" I asked. "I was thinking maybe one of us could carry the baby" "How about we go to the clinic in a couple of days and start the process, we will choose who will carry the baby at a later date" she just nodded her head and giggled leaning in and kissed me, I deepened the kiss and asked Cheryl if she wanted to carry on, she nodded her head and things progressed from there.

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