Part 2: "wait what?"

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Cheryl had been awake for a week and today was the day we got Cheryls brain scan results back. "What you thinking about babe?" Cheryl asked me. "Just these scan results, I don't know what I'm going to do if something comes up on them" I replied. "Toni if something comes up on the scan we will deal with this together, okay?" "Yeah okay" We both leant in to kiss each other before we heard a knock on the door, I leant back and saw that it was the doctor. He walked in and his facial expression said it all. "What did you find?" I asked knowing I didn't want the answer. "I'm so sorry Cheryl, we found a tumour" and just like before my world has been turned upside down. "What kind of tumour? A cancerous one?" Cheryl asked. "We aren't too sure yet, we will have to do another scan just to make sure, and to also check how malignant the cells are which make up the tumour" The doctor answered. "Is there any more questions?" The doctor asked. "Yeah, I was wondering how long this process might take to know how strong this tumour is?" I said. "Well we can send Cheryl down for another scan in the next two hours and after that the team of doctors and nurses will assess the scan and all come to a unanimous decision about the tumour itself and what the best options are to remove it" "Okay thank you doctor, You got anymore questions baby?" I asked Cheryl "Nope, thank you doctor for the help" "Its my job, we will be down in the next two hours to get you ready for the next scan, ill see you two later" The doctor said and left. After the doctor left, I turned to Cheryl to see her crying, I jumped up and sat on the bed. "Babygirl, we will get through this. I promise. I'm not losing you, we will fight this together, I will never leave you, not even for one minute." "Thank you baby, but I will understand if you don't want me anymore. I mean you don't want me when I could potentially die" I heard her say. "I will never leave you, and especially now. You need me more than ever and I need you. I can't live without you. I struggle when I'm away from you for an hour let alone a lifetime. You can't put me through that Cheryl. Please tell me you won't put me through that?" I asked. I carried on looking at her as she left her head laying low. I stayed silent for a few more seconds. "Cheryl, what is it you want?" I calmly asked. "I want to go back to normal, me and you at Thistlehouse cuddled unto each other without anything to worry about but now I have cancer, I don't want to hold you back Toni, I'm sorry. Maybe its best we take some space, you can then think about what you want. I know we are married now but if you want to split, I get that" I was speechless. I couldn't think straight. I stormed out the room and slammed myself down into the waiting room. The time flew as before I knew it Betty was standing in front of me. "Hey Toni, how is Cheryl?" She asked calmly. "As good as can be expected since she has just been diagnosed with cancer" "Wait what?" Betty questioned. "Yep, its hard to take in so when the doctor left, Cheryl told me that I should go and find somebody else because she will die, I tried to reassure her but nothing was working and then she said that we need space and its up to me whether we will stay together" "So what are your thoughts?" She then asked. "I told her the same thing I told her when we first got together, I want to be with her forever, through sickness and in health. Cancer doesn't change anything, if anything it makes me love her more if its even possible" "Well Toni, don't give up. Go in that room and tell Cheryl what you just told me and make sure she listens"


It had been an hour and a half since Toni left the room, I was still crying from the decision I made, to let Toni find somebody else. I don't want her to but it will be for the best. I hear the door slightly open and see Toni standing there. "Look, I know you probably don't want to see me but you have no choice! I'm not letting you throw our whole relationship in the bin because of this. This is just a minor bump in the road to get to our happy ever after. Im not letting cancer ruin that. I will be with you every step of the way and im not leaving because I love you Cheryl." Toni said. "I love you too, I just want you to be happy" "I am happy" We leant into kiss as it felt like our first time. I asked Toni to come and lie down with me and with no hesitation she jumped on the bed and held my hand. Before I knew it we both fell asleep.

Half an hour later.

I woke up feeling something warm on my chest and to my surprise it was Toni with her hand under my shirt grasping my breast. I giggled and then woke her up. "Baby, Babe! Toni" I called. "Yes Babygirl?" She asked innocently. "Wake up" "Why? Im comfy here with you, my beautiful wife" She made me blush. "I can't believe how long we have been together and you can still me me blush." "Means I'm doing my job right baby. I love you" She told me "I love you too" We leant into kiss but before we could there was a knock on the door and it was the doctor telling us that I was ready to go for my scan. I dread to think what this may bring...

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