Part 5 'Most Likely'

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"Hehehe." I laugh to no one in particular. At the moment one would think I have a conspiracy board, which yea, there's not much of a difference. At the moment I'm making piles of Not Likely, Maybe, Could Be, and Most Likely matches.

For example, pack Blood is known for their ego. So much so that they all have tattoos of their pack logo proudly wrapped around their necks. This goes in the Not Likely pile since the werewolves in my vision did not have a tattoo of that kind.

Surprisingly, almost every pack is known for something. They all seem to want to be distinguishable from one another. I look through the documents again, this time naming them off. Bronze, strategists, assassins, tattoos, smells, Industrious, and the list goes on.

Against my wall, I have sketches of everyone I had seen. "Now what makes you stand out?" I wonder aloud.

"Their stance screams respected. If you had taken notice of the way they stand and move, they're very light on their feet and precise."

'Wow, you're going to make it to the finish line with me now?' Crest simply snorts. What she said greatly narrows it down. Assuming their 'thing' is agility, assassination, poisons, or swiftness leaves me with seven packs. Out of those seven I already eliminated three.

I set those papers aside. I admit, I'm getting excited. The bond has been tugging a little, nothing painful. I happily laugh as I go back to my desk and sit down. The four remaining contenders laid out before me.

I size them up.

Gold Fang Pack is known for their agility and precision so much so that they had to be banned from entering any Olympic games for fear of being found out. They have a strong and healthy male Alpha. Their pack lands mostly consist of farmland.

Long Pack is known for its strong heritage and prodigies. Almost all members are born geniuses or made into them. No surprise that their pack was the first to have a female alpha. The late female Alpha died last year. This pack doesn't pass down their titles, but must win it. That interested me quite a bit because it's almost not a monarchy at this point. A beta has been named the new Alpha. Their pack is centered in a bustling city.

Ghost pack is the only true assassin pack as they tend to attack others who try to take their ranking. They specialize in poisons and disappearing. Long pack and Ghost pack have a trading route with one another. This pack does not show any mercy, as they are ruthless. They are one of the five packs who allow killing. The Ghost pack is currently undergoing a new Alpha transition. It looks like that isn't going as well as the Long pack's power trade-off. They live outside of a mountainous region.

Quest pack is well rounded in all arts. They are kind to all and take in rouges which according to this information is highly dangerous and has led to some consequences. The Quest pack has had to make a major change in their policies, along with rooting out pack members who might be conspiring against the Alpha. They live in a quiet industrious town and have had the same Alpha for thirty-seven years.

A/N Write down in the comments which pack you think it'll be! I left lots of hints.

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