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Also, it'll be hella confusing if you didn't read the first two edited chapters.

I pass through the front door, down the steps, and past the gateway. Except, it's not on my own feet I accomplish this. The overwhelming dizziness makes it impossible to take myself anywhere. So instead, I'm seated comfortably in a wheelchair that Krel guides.

He hasn't said a word. The second the sun graced the tree tops tips with it's golden rays, Krel was at the door. Slowly he had trudged in, with his head down, pushing a wheelchair in front of himself. I got in myself because I can never be that weak. Or at least not in front of someone else..

I didn't utter a word to him about coming alone or what may happen. But by the look on his face, it was clear he knew. Even the pack members we passsed had this eerie silence. Never did they say anything either.

I can only assume Krel stepped down as Alpha. It made sense why there was also malice mixed into the air with contempt and pity. That, and who in his position would expect to return home? Even his Beta and Delta didn't offer a kind smile. Yet, on further inspection, something unreadable was swirling around in the Betas eyes.

"Bring him. His heart belongs to the ever expanding ocean."

Skeptically I ask, 'This.. isn't a sacrifice is it?' Crest says nothing in response back. Feeling her in my mind, I can tell she's thinking deeply on a matter. Her implications with what she did say, worries me.

"Wait." My voice startled Krel, his flinch I could feel through my seat. Hastily he gathers his thoughts, "Y-ye" Not letting him finish his mere 'yes', I continue. "Your Beta will also be coming along."

My back is to Krel, so I can only imagine his face. Most likely that stupefied expression he does so well, paired with blinking repeatedly in confusion. It's all so cute.. I clear my head before I begin to picture all of his cute expressions...again.

Quietly the moments tick by, and not a single shuffle can be heard. Having enough with not being able to see what's going on, I take things into my own hands.

With my left hand, I hold that sides wheel firm, and with my right hand, I turn the wheel. I can hear Krel take a step back to give me more space with whatever I'm doing.

Slowly the whole chair turns, and I'm faced with my shocked audience. What is their problem? Krel wouldn't have told them..right? So what must they think now?

My gaze shifts to Krel, who flinches immediately. Why is he crying, again?? Could he be worried about his Beta? They did seem like friends.

Trying to ease the knot in his heart, I add, "He won't be harmed." That only made it worse as he began to trembling... Oh god, what to do with him.

Getting annoyed, just slightly that everything I say and do is a spectacle, I practically snarl out, "Scatter all of you, except for the Beta."

With the peanut gallery now gone, I look between the two remainders. An anxious Beta and my emotional Given.

Sighing, I turn to the Beta. "Go pack light, and come back quickly." He didn't question it, and took off to do what he was told.

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