Chapter 16: Intoxicated

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Subaru was sitting outside of the mansion sharpening his silver knife near the flower garden when he heard footsteps approaching. Glancing up, he saw Shu and Ren making their way back from their outing in the city. Not really interested, he went back to what he was doing but was interrupted when he heard a weird sound that sounded like it came from Ren.

He peeked up to find Ren with her arms wrapped around Shu's neck, forcibly kissing him, before begging in a drawn out voice, "Come on, Shuuuu. Just take a bite. You know you want toooo."

"Oi, get yourself together already. You didn't even drink that much," Shu groaned, before peeking up to see Subaru staring at them. Shiftily, he snapped at Subaru, "Oi, get over here and help me with this."

"Hah?" Subaru retorted, "What were you planning getting the girl drunk?"

"I wasn't planning anything. We were at a restaurant and she ordered a cranberry juice and the waitress brought us wine," Shu grunted irritably, glancing back at Ren, whose behavior had shifted to become the polar opposite of her usually calm demeanor.

Subaru approached them cautiously. As soon as Ren saw him, she immediately flung herself at him, embracing him in a hug while whispering, "It's TSUN-baru."

While hugging him, she ran her fingers through his white hair like she was petting a dog. She giggled and nuzzled him before whispering, "You remind me of a polar bear."

Subaru tensed up immediately when he saw Shu's disgusted expression as Ren pressed herself against him like he was some sort of teddy bear. He struggled to peel her arms off of him before shoving her back at Shu, demanding, "What exactly do you want me to do to help her?"

Shu sighed and said, "I just want you to help me keep her from making too much noise as we go inside. I don't want Reiji and the others to notice."

"Hey, don't!" she complained as Shu grabbed her arms to keep her from struggling. Meanwhile, Subaru covered her mouth. The moment his hand touched her lips, she was already licking them fervantly.

"Oi, what the fuck," Subaru cursed in surprise, wiping his hand on his pants. Ren simply giggled and slurred with a wink, "There's more where that comes from, handsome."

Subaru's face was clearly disturbed as he looked to Shu and whispered, "Why is she acting like that?"

"How am I supposed to know? Alcohol is supposed to make you more honest, right? Maybe it's severely repressed desire or something," Shu shrugged as Ren slithered a hand up his shirt.

"I almost got assaulted on the ride here," he grimaced as he caught her hand and forced it back down to her side. Subaru laughed and shook his head, "Wow, never thought I would ever see you this riled up over some girl before. I'm surprised you didn't just let her do what she wants."

"What are you saying? She's a complete mess in this state," Shu retaliated, seemingly defensive over Subaru's choice of words.

"No, I mean in general. You seem to care a lot about her," he observed while ripping off a piece of his shirt and using it to tie around Ren's mouth to keep her quiet and to prevent her from using that mouth in any more inexplicable ways.

"I don't know why you all keep saying the same thing. It's just to be expected right? She's a real piece of work. Could anybody really leave someone like her alone?" Shu tried to rationalize his concerns, earning a exasperated expression from Subaru who replied, "Look, I'm not the sharpest when it comes to useless things like emotions but even I can tell that you're different lately."

Shu glared at him before nodding towards the door, which Subaru opened as Shu picked up Ren bridal style with her mouth still wrapped up in the torn piece of Subaru's shirt. Subaru stood by and watched as Shu attempted to get up the stairs and down the hall without being seen. However, as he made the final stretch towards his bedroom, he barreled into Laito.

"Oof! Jeez Shu, are you trying to take me out?" he complained from a crumpled position on the floor before he looked up to see Shu looking rather distressed with a bound and gagged Ren in his arms. Laito's eyes sparkled, his perverted thoughts running away with him as he cooed, "Wow Shu, I didn't know you were that kind of person."

"Shut up," he growled, not noticing that Ren had managed to get the shirt off from around her mouth in that instant. She giggled with red cheeks before asking non-discreetly, "Why are you all so damn pretty? Like what's a girl gotta do to have skin like a vampire?"

Laito's eyes widened curiously as he asked, "Is she drunk?"

Shu sighed heavily and muttered, "I don't have time for this. I just need to lock her in the room until she sobers up."

"Have fun," Laito giggled before getting up and walking off. Shu stalked off towards his bedroom once again. This time, he made it as he opened the door cautiously and placed her on his bed.

He pulled off his outer sweater before sitting down beside her on the bed and sighing, "You're completely helpless right now. You realize how dangerous that is, don't you?"

She giggled and replied, "But I'm with Shu so it'll be okay."

"Even after last night, do you still think it's okay to be near me?" He asked, touching the mark on her collarbone as a vague reminder.

"I probably deserved it so I don't really mind what happens to me," she stated bluntly, clinging to a nearby pillow with an angsty expression.

"Why do you say things like that?" Shu asked in all seriousness, despite not expecting a serious answer.

"Because I don't like myself. I wish I was never born," she stated in an abruptly serious manner, "What kind of parent abandons a child as a baby? I was obviously a mistake."

Shu sighed and looked down at her sadly before muttering, "I might not be the one who can console you for feeling that way because of my upbringing, but you've shown me plenty of reasons why you should exist. So don't say things like that and just sleep for now.

She closed her eyes almost painfully before opening them back up and looking at Shu's eyes dizzily. She reached out for him before whispering, "I like these eyes. They're expressionless but still kind. When I see them, it's almost like I can forget about this disgusting feeling of not wanting to be around. Almost."

"Is that a confession?" Shu emitted teasingly, knowing it was somewhat fruitless to tease a drunk girl, but still curious of what she would say nonetheless.

"Who knows..." she hummed before nuzzling her head into his lap, "I just feel safe with you."

"So vulnerable," he scoffed as he ran his fingers through her hair, "If I don't protect you, who will?"

Leaning over her nearly unconscious body, he inhaled her scent before whispering, "I'm going to drink your intoxicated blood."

He pressed his face into her neck and sunk his fangs into the meat around her shoulder blade. She gasped lightly and winced as he drank her blood somewhat gently. He glanced up at her expression while he sucked and hummed into her skin with delight as her blood heated up, pouring generously into his mouth. He raised his fangs out and began licking the wounds left behind, as if cleaning them up.

Shu's cheeks began to redden as the liquor in her blood passed on to him, making him feel slightly dazed but still very lucid. Looking at Ren in the state she was in, he felt a compulsive urge to punish her for putting him through so much on this evening. Her narrow slits stared holes into him as he hovered above her, contemplating his next move. Lifting her shirt, exposing her stomach, he whispered, "Desire these fangs more and more," before submerging his teeth into the supple skin of her belly. He sucked wholesomely with deep swallowing breathes as her blood poured down his throat like fine wine. Almost as good as the wine she accidentally consumed.

Shu drank from multiple areas until he felt it was a sufficient enough punishment for her. By the end, her face held many different emotions as her body's strong desires easily overtook her in the end. The biting no longer felt inherently painful as much as they felt like a gift from Shu. Exhaustion finally taking its toll, Ren allowed herself to drift into a catatonic state of sleep.

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