28: A Time To Grieve

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I didn't get more than one step out of the arena when Sif came barreling at me. I braced myself, thankful the magic enhancer hadn't yet lift my system or I would've been bulldozed.

"You did it!" she squealed, my ribs cracking as she hugged me.

"Don't sound so surprised," I managed, "and ease up on the death grip. I don't know how long I'll be unbreakable."

"Sorry!" Sif let go and rubbed the back of her neck, looking rather bashful. "And the potion I gave you will wear off in about a half an hour. Anything you wanna do before then?"

"Shower and sleep."

"You're lame."

Several witty comebacks came to mind but I was too tired to utter them. "Do I have to get paraded around the media circus now, or can I just go home?"

"You get to go home," Sif said. "But everyone of you who passed the trial will be interviewed next week. Give me your hand, I'll take you back."

"Lead the way boss." I said wearily.

"Um you have to let go of Thor first," Sif said, smirking a little and I felt a blush stain my face.

"Right sorry," I mumbled, releasing Thor who looked amused himself at my absent-mindedness. "I'll see you later." I grabbed Sif's hand, feeling a bit sorry for all the dirt and grime I was probably going to transfer onto her. However, she didn't seem nearly as worried about that as I was, rather she pulled me close with her other arm and I gave her a questioning look.

"You look like you're about to collapse," she explained even as Thor and the arena faded from my view as Sif used her magic to move us. I'd never been more grateful for the enchanted bracelet Thor had given me. If I hadn't had it now, the combination of exhaustion and motion sickness would've turned my legs to Jell-O as we landed back at the manor. Half-blind with tiredness, I let Sif lead me inside and back to my room.

"You can let go of me now," I mumbled as she walked me inside and closed the door. The plain room felt a lot more homey after today, I had to admit.

"Are you sure you can stay upright?" Sif asked, eyes wide with anxiety.

"I can manage," I assured her, swallowing a yawn as I made my way into the bathroom.

"I laid out some pajamas for you on the sink!" she yelled as I shut the door. I paused a moment, leaning against it for a second just to relish the quiet I couldn't help but wince as I passed the mirror. Thanks to Brunhild's use of healing rules, I bore no visible wound anymore but the dirt, blood and other grime on my skin, hair and clothes told another story. As I peeled off my clothing, I spotted a shiny pink scar about the size of a fifty cent coin on my right shoulder. I knew with time it would be just like the bullet scar on my stomach; white and faded but this was one story I'd never be able to share.

Weary, I turned on the water and stepped under the steaming spray as fast as I could. Though the hot water was a relief against my tense and sore body, I didn't stay under it long. Just enough to clean up and then I toweled off before slipping into the pajamas Sif had laid out for me. I knew by sight that they were not mine, but the pale pink silk was soft and lightweight against my skin.

I examined my reflection in the mirror again. Now free of the dirt and grime, I looked human again. Tired, but human and there was a slight smile on my lips as the events of the day sunk in; I'd made it past the first trial. For now, I was safe from elimination.

"We're getting closer Yuki," I whispered as my chest tightened and my lower lip trembled. I'd just passed a trial; the ultimate obstacle course complete with magic and warriors with hundreds of years of training under their belts and here I was, a twenty-three year old rookie cop who had beaten it. But yet I couldn't be happy about it. The one person whom I wanted to tell about it couldn't hear me.

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