31: Third Dates (Part One)

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Nine hours later, I got ready for my date, slipping my black bikini under my dark blue shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. I bid goodbye to Sif who tore her eyes away from the start of season two to wish me luck and promised to grill me when I got back. Laughing to myself, I exited the room a mix of excited and nervous butterflies in my stomach. I didn't have much time to dwell on it, however before Thor materialized down the hall way.

I smiled at him. "Hey."

"Hi," he grinned back. He was dressed casually in a snug grey shirt and black shorts that I figured were swim trunks. On his feet, rather than his usual Oxford shoes were sandals. "You look nice."

"Thanks," I said, feeling a blush stain my face. "You too. So," I glanced around, trying to feign nonchalance. "You ready to go?"

"Got your bracelet?"

I held up my hand so he could see the leather that was secure around my wrist. "Never leave home without it."

"Or with your gun so it seems," Thor noted, eyes drifting down to my side where Besty was holstered.

"I have my conceal and carry," I defended myself. "Though I suppose it won't do me much use here."

"Perhaps it would be a good distraction though," Thor said fairly as he extended his hand to me which I took. The last thing I saw was his smile before the world compressed around me and when my feet touched ground again, I was no longer inside. Long grass tickled my bare legs and when I breathed in, I tasted a tang on salt on my tongue. Curious, I opened my eyes and gasped. I was standing on a tall hill covered in lush green grass that overlooked a beach and silver of blue ocean. Waves rushed up on the white shoreline, creating a hush of noise across the otherwise quiet landscape.

"Wow," I gasped, hands flying to my mouth as I took in the stunning view. "What is this place?"

"Ran Cove," Thor replied. "It was named after the giant Ran who supposedly had powers over the sea."


"She and her husband Aegir are kind of like our version of Bigfoot. Some people believe they were real or currently exist, some don't and think it's just a story."

I nodded. "Good to know," I let my hands fall and took in a deep breath of salty air. It cleared my mind and the amazement I felt a moment before faded as worry edged it's way in. "This is beautiful but are you sure we won't be found here? I mean, this is pretty open."

"It's possible but very unlikely."


 "These fall under royal lands," Thor replied with a tiny, smug grin. "So unless my parents decide to throw a beach party right now, I think we'll be okay."

I sighed, relief flowing through me as I peered out at the water. The sun sinking over the horizon made the water sparkle. "Can we go down to the water?"

"Of course," Thor said with a nod of his head. "Just follow me, there's a trail right over here."

I let him lead me back across the hill top towards a narrow path that went steeply down the side of the hill. "Is it a good idea to be holding hands?" I asked, regretting my choice to wear flip flops as we went. The soles had no grip and flattened grass offered very little in terms of stable footing.

"Don't worry," Thor shrugged, "I've walked this plenty of times. If you fall I'll catch you."

Looking at Thor from his angle, I was slightly reassured. His broad shoulders certainly gave him a sturdy look. If I fell down onto him, I was willing to bet I wouldn't send us both tumbling. Of course that was just a hope and once we reached the base of the hill, I was pretty relieved.

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