Chapter 4

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"Mom, Dad. Ty is here."

I've been to Jay house a few times, but it was always when his parents weren't here. I mean they both were very busy people.

Soon a man who Jay inherited his looks from showed up with a short petite woman. Even though Jay inherited almost everything from his dad, he did get his mothers vibrant blue eyes and dirty blond hair.

When their eyes landed on me, both of their smiles flattered. The mother smile was replaced with a look of worry for a second but then was replaced again with a phony smile. The father didn't bother to hide his displeasure.

Seeing their reactions was like a punch in the gut. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole, disappearing from the sight of these two displeased people. Jay began to cough.

"Come inside honey, dinner will be ready soon."

So Jay, his dad, and I were led through the house and sat at the lavish dining room table. Everything about this meeting so far has been awkward and painful already. The silence at this table was killing me.

"Jayshun, how long have you been dating this young lady?" His dad was looking at our hands that were intertwined on the table. It wasn't hard to tell that the sight disgusted him.

"I have been dating Ty for three years now." Jay responded squeezing my hand. A look of shock crossed his fathers face and slowly melted into a frown.

"Three years son and you are now just presenting?" He questioned.

I looked at his father. I couldn't believe his choice of words. He seemed like the type of guy who saw women as objects not humans.

"You know why."

His father began to say something, but his mother came in setting out all the food on the table. We said grace and began to eat in silence.

"So where do you live, um umm.... " his mother said a she tried to remember my name.

"My name is Ty." I said with a small smile and she threw me a smile back.

"So where are you from Ty? Where do you live?" She said trying to make small conversation.

"Well I have lived in this town my whole life. My house is actually not to far from here." I said. I was getting a bit more comfortable with his mother. She seemed nice enough.

"Surprising." I heard the father say.

"Richard!" His mother said angered.

"What's surprising about it?" I questioned trying to keep my rage at a minimal.

"Babe don't-"

"No son, I have no problem with sharing my thoughts. I just find it interesting that you live around here is all.  What kind of jobs do you parents have?" He questioned with a mock look of curiosity while swirling his wine around in his glass.

"Dad what the fuck!" What type of question is that!" Jay exploded.

"Jayshun Thompson, I will not tolerate that language." His mother said sternly. I just shook my head and stood up.

"I assume you asked these questions because I am black. But my race has nothing to do with where I live and whether or not I am good enough to be with your son. My father is one of the best doctors that ever touched this town. So I'm pretty sure I can afford living here sir."

He looked up at me with his green eyes filled with disgust.

"Do not allow my son to disgrace this family for your selfish desires to be with him." He spat at me. That stung. It hurted more than ever.

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