dealing with the bros

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Luigi's POV

I went to go grab the mail It was all fan letters for Mario but there was one letter for me and it was from boosette. It said that she kidnapped my brother. Why would she do that I ran to grab Gooigi since my poltergust was destroyed. I looked in my room and saw that she must of took him to.
Got in to my car a drove to her mansion. When I entered I saw something on the floor I picked it up. It had string attached and suddenly Luigi was sprung up and went through the ceiling with out breaking it thanks to boo magic I think. I landed on a bed and saw boosette coming I backed up.

Boosette: why did you back up. Don't you like me?

Luigi: what did you do with my brother.

Boosette: nothing I lied to get you to come over as quickly as you can. Now that you're here we can have some fun.

I blushed when I saw that she was not wearing her dress. All she had on was black bra and panties. She was blushing purple. She got on the bed and started to kiss me. I knew where this was going. I guess I will be the first man laid by the afterlife.

Mario's POV

I just got back from a date with peach. When I entered I saw koopas everywhere. I charged up a fire ball and threw it at one the others rushed at me but I jumped over them and landed on one. I kicked the shell of the koopa I landed on and knocked all of them out. I looked behind me and saw magic coming at me I was to slow to move out the way. I was just expecting it to hurt but instead it sent me to a cage. It looked like I was in the Bowser's castle. I looked and saw a door open with two figures came in and could not believe my eyes. I knew boosette but bowsette is here too. I thought he would not like being a girl again. I saw bowsette come to my cage and she used her teeth to bite my neck. I don't know why she did that but it can't be good. I then saw them walk out of the room.

Bowsette POV

Bowsette: so why did make me bite his neck.

Boosette: well if you must know I put boo magic in your teeth. I did the same with Luigi to make him love me faster. But it will take a little longer with Mario because he is not heart broken unless you can think of a way to break his heart.

Bowsette: I got a way. Don't worry now let's take over the two kingdoms.

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