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"Moonie moon!" Jimin cheers as soon as she opens the door. His eye were cresents, slender cheeks pink just like his full lips. He was prettier than his pictures.

"H-hi.." She stutters and invites him in.

"Im sorry Jungkook wasn't able to make it. You should have seen his face." Jimin pouted slightly and Moon felt a bit bad.

"A-ah.. I'll be fine." She says and he pulls off his backpack.

"I'll try my best to make you happy! I even got snacks! We can put on a movie and relax." He says with a smile and starts to take out the snacks, laying them on the table.

"Thank you." She peeps out. She sees the wet marks on his shirt and eyes the showers outside of her window.

"Wait here." She says and gets up, rushing to the bedroom and taking the sweater that Jungkook left behind and gave it to him.

"It's kooks, i washed it.. I saw your clothes are wet." She says softly, worriedly looking at his clothes.

With no shame, he pulls his tops off, leaving him bare before grabbing the sweater from her. He winks at her state of shock and she shakes her head.

"You boys are a real peice of work." She chuckles and grabs his clothes to put in the dryer.

"I'll see what you have on Netflix!" He yells and sits on the couch. His phone dings, a message from Jungkook with a picture of the girl hes with and a caption. 'I hope you're having fun with Moon. I'm bored outta my mind.'

Jimin chuckled, putting it away without bothering to answer, knowing that it would drive Jungkook insane.

"What are you planning on watching?" Moon prances back in, looking at Jimin with wide eyes.

"Lilo and stitch." He says softly and she settles on the couch after digging her blanket out.

"Jungkook's been here a lot, hm?" He asks as he can smell Jungkook's scent waft from the blanket. He told that kid not to wear so much. The slight honey and musk scent always clouded him.

"Uh, yeah. I don't really have a friends and Jungkook and I just seem to really get along." She shrugs. Jimin watches her with careful eyes.

"And whys that?"

"Well, I don't have any clubs and I'm rather-"

"I meant the second part."

Her eyes widden. She wasn't sure how to respond, she never thought about it nor did she think anybody else would question her.

"I think... I think it's because he makes me stop being so uptight. He stops me from talking so proper, or having to do things right away. He makes me feel like our age. I want to feel- i like feeling that way."

He stares at her, his heart somewhat slowing as he stares at her meaningful eyes. How soft they were when she thought of him. How her eyes lightly shifted like he was standing there in front of her.

"I'm glad that he does that. I'll try my best when I'm with you." He says and grab the blanket and spreads it over her.

"Try you're best? For what exactly?" She cocks her head and him.

"To give you a bit of freedom."


"Eat this one." He reaches out to her lips, gently setting the salty chip with the sweet chocolate on her tongue.

"I don't know how I feel about that." She narrows her eyes as she chews, the two food items mixing.

"My turn." She holds out a chip dipped in honey (a/n honey butter chips are fucking great) and ran it against his lip. He stared at her unamused as she smears it like lip gloss.

"Pretty~" She giggles and watches as Jimin licks some off. He grabs her wrist to still her hand and eats the chip.

"Oh yeah, i like that." He nods as he ate.

They sat on her couch, netflix long forgotten and playing gently in the background, as they were surrounded my food. They mixed, matched, dipped and spread all sorts, feeding it to the other.

She also found Jimin to be quite manly. Despite his fairy like looks and gracefull movements, his actions often took her by surprise. He was at least a few inches taller and reacher over her to grab things. His firm hands grabbed her waist to pull her closer when she wiggled too much to get comfortable and he settled on cuddling. The way way he talked, the confidence and strength- it was refreshing.

He wasn't cautious like Jungkook and he wasn't locked away like Taehyung. He wasn't harsh or cold like the men in her family. He was open and strong with his voice. Even doing his busan dialect for her to giggle at.

"Open." He demands, tapping on her lip causing her to break out from her thought. She bit his finger gently but firmly making his hiss.

"Thathurtsthathirtsthathurts-" she let go and giggles, making him look at the bite mark and kiss it with a pout. Her cheek bloomed pink as he does such and quickly eat the dark chocolate in his hand.

She soon regrets it as fire erupts from her mouth, her taste buds painted red with the red pepper paste. Her eyes widden with tears and her forehead breaks out into a sweat. She swallows it, not wanting to be rude and spitting it out there.

"Did you just swallow that?!" Jimin asked wide eyed and she nods, whining as fire takes over her whole throat and mouth.

Voting: closed

A) have him get her milk
B) she calms it with sugar and milk, when she comes back she falls on him.
      B1) they kiss
       B2) Jungkook walks in when they kiss
       B3) shes flustered and rolls off
C) he plays doctor

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