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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to slit someone's throat open?

No, not to see them die.

Oh, no; lest to see them live.

See the crimson flow down their neck like river banks.

My darlings, I do not wish harm upon you

only a mad-man would do such things.

I'm only curious.

I'll scratch my nail down your spine.

and give you a shiver.

I'll make your eyelids heavy with sleep.

and I will visit.

I will break the silence with the sound of laughter.

Panic will freeze your body,

fear will paralyze you as I take over.

and I will slit your throat open and watch.

Watch the flood gates open.

I'll watch as your blood, the very thing that keeps you alive.

drowns you in it. kills you.

Oh, Sweet, vicious irony.

How a crimson love song turns cold.

"A Journey Through The Eyes of A Poet"Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin