Hazy Vision

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You wonder from the depths of hell,

You feel like you're nothing but a breath of air no one will ever get back,

Something everyone takes for granted.

I understand.

Your heart ebbs and flows like the waves of a restless ocean trying to find solace in a thunderstorm.

Ifeel your spirit.

Your mind conjures thoughts, So timid and rare, like a shy diamond found at the bottom of a coal mine, I am sympathetic.

I feel your pain.

We live together in one heart, Separated by the states of confusion, and anxious spontaneous brainwave combustion.

You live in an island, Your emotions float away, to those who need them, But they only need you when they are sinking.

I am aware.

You are not alone.

I feel your presence, in everything you do.

We may never see faces that cross our minds, but we still hold on to their hearts like a glass vase, too precious to drop,But too anxious to keep a firm grip.

My hands shake too.

I wonder, did you know you are a rainbow in a hurricane?

Did you know you are the bread, when we are searching for food?

You are the last breath that saves us from our ultimate demise.

You are loved, I know this is true.

Please let me dry your tear-soaked eyes and remind you what it's like to smile again.

I've seen pain, it's vengeful.

But I will fight like a warrior at the Roman Coliseum And together, we will rise Like the sun coming from the Eastern sky.

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