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Where do you hide?

Your distance grows, as you become closer.

Are you still on the other side?

Waiting for a moment of solidarity.

We close the door.

Remembering yesteryear;

as if it were only a day ago.

You stay close to us,

and we fall asleep to the sound of your silence.

But we awake in the midst of your chaotic break.

We find solace in you.

Tranquility in knowing,

Yet, peace in being unaware.

The Mystery holds our malachite,

we are captivated, by your essence.

We lurk among the ones and zeroes

We still dream, even if we cannot fall asleep,

"Mask" you call yourself; hidden away.

Tucked in the deths of anonymity,

and yet; you've given us more than our own identity.

Our own free will for thought,

we know very little.

and yet.

We are still here.

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