Past, Present & Future

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Hush my darling.

Close your eyes.

Feast on Dreams.

and let yesterday die.

Tomorrow is the future

and yesterday is in the past.

take a breath

hold it in.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

I tried so hard to follow my dreams

but the path lead me wrong.

I ended up on a one way street

my intentions were proven, long gone.

When will I find tomorrow,

beyond my yesterdays.

I try to look past the shadows of doubt

and fix my mind, which stays


constantly turning, yearning, forever learning

about the wicked sands of time.

I steal a glance of a clock on the wall.

did I just commit a crime?

I'm a sinner, a grinner, an all-see-er and believer.

a ticking-tocking, time bomb walking,

I can't control a thing.

but when summers rain

and winter snows.

my new years resolution will be to bring.....

bring back the past

like it was yesterday,

and put away the future.

Because I am a surgeon,

I'll split this time.

and the hands are my sutures..

I cry, I sigh,

I silently die

the moment I am born.

We live past today,

in hopes of tomorrow.

but our thoughts are oh-so torn.

"Now I lay my head to rest

I pray this is my only test.

to wake myself before I die.

Catch tomorrow,

before it's gone with a blink of an eye."

"A Journey Through The Eyes of A Poet"Where stories live. Discover now