"Summer Solstice; Rain"

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Pondering out my window,

I see the melancholy clouds.

My cup of coffee is barely full.

Psyche is flooded with raindrops and lullabies

My heart is whimsical even though my eyes are dry.

Twisted Chaos changes my faith,

from watching the sun climb the horizon to a new day;

playing hide and seek with the humble clouds He made.

Mother nature, greets us with the wonders of a rainbow.

Even in the midst of a storm; I am calm.

I am at peace with the Rain.

It soothes me.

The wicked rumble of a thunder clap,

and nature's light show, as lightning fills the sky.

I am Hypnotized by this phantasmal art exhibit mother nature is gifting us with.

Father Time pulses minute by minute,

the nimbus clouds roll away like a stoway bed; at a guest house.

the hours are forced to find their way into our good graces.

Letting the seconds drip like the final drops of rain from a leaf.

Soon the rain will leave like a passing day; only for a rainbow to arrive.

The tears that were there in the sun, seemed to dry with the passing rain.

I was soothed,

I am pacified.

I see the tiny droplets against my window sill,

"Rain." I think to myself.

"I am safest when it rains."

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