Sahlo Folina

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The dust settles in my mind, as I begin to unwind.

these indescribable thoughts, are hard to wrap my head around

they're unsettling and unkind

I can't seem to feel throat or my hands,

the black tar from the asphalt tugs my ankles, where I stand.

The vision I have, keeps getting clouded,

I look for the answers,

but I get questions instead; shrouded.

I'm done looking for an excuse, to believe.

I've tried everything I can;

i'm sick of talking, and pretending to recieve.

I gave enough; but it still wasn't so.

I couldn't sing loud enough, for you to be known.

You're the jury, and the judge;

why does the executioner, get to be the one that holds the grudge.

You pulled me in,

through my darkest hour

waited and watched in your ivory tower.

Put stones on my back

and hung me out to dry,

Please; send me something,

please send me a sign.

Please let me see the beauty in tomorrow.

I'll warn them all, of pain and sorrow.

The future's just The past, getting ahead of itself.

I scream out in desperation,

a battle cry, in this war, I've waged on myself.

"Sahlo Folina."

Send me golden yellow petals, from the great beyond,

so I may believe in my own wealth.

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