"I Played The Bad Guy in A Movie, Once."

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"I Played The Bad Guy in A Movie, Once."

I played the bad guy in a movie once.

The leading role, to be exact.

I started as the anti hero,

and ended up being the loser,

and I guess you could say that is that.

I started as most people do;

friendly, and never fearing.

Some would even call me "happy"

but most would never call me "endearing."

I brought a certain excitement,

until the seemed to bore.

Soon just the act of talking to me,

felt like a monotonous chore.

Perfectly placed vases,

sat upon the table of redwood

Everyone believed it was wine,

but it was water, and they were misunderstood.

I wasn't a saint,

but I wasn't in the wrong,

I felt as if I was a worn out record player,

tired from playing the same song.

Manipulation, was not my forte,

but they seemed to think it was.

I guess when people pretend a problem matters,

suddenly it does.

Only when you feel like taking the piss out of someone new.

is when you felt it "right" to come after me,

when I didn't do a single fucking thing, to you.

I'd been grateful,

I'd been kind.

Spiteful wasn't in my blood,

You were always on my mind.

I played the bad guy in a movie once,

but I wasn't fit for the part.

I guess they thought that role was meant to be.

because I've got a "calloused" heart.

The simple fact of the matter is this,

I never claimed to be charmed.

But you challenged my heart, with your words,

and left me feeling unarmed.

I played the bad guy in a movie once,

but I wasn't the bad guy at all.

Some say; being dubbed the "bad guy"

was my fault.

When it wasn't mine at all.

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