Life Lessons, Technically

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Time is rarely spent, looking at faces.

Current world, and many places.

We've all got our phones stuck in our hands

with our eyes on these blocks of nothing

I don't understand.

How did it become such a fascinating thing.

to talk to a screen,

not a human being.

When did Skype become better than a sleep over.

did we learn to grow up.

or did we just learn to grow older?

We live in an age, where technology rules the world.

I'd say it's perfect.

but it 's more like a tilt-a-whirl.

We say we're happy, eventhough we're sad

We can't use italics for scarcasm or seething mad.

When did we start texting our friends when we're outside their door.

we don't Ring the bell, we don't knock, anymore.

Facebook, twitter Tumblr, Pintrest.

It's like my real world has lost all it's interest.

My heart is on fire,

because I miss the days.

when you could see the smile,

on your best friend's face.

You didn't have to like a picture, you could have been the one in it.

You didn't have to comment, because you've already said it.

Where the hell did time go,

The future was supposed to be clear.

The Zombie Appocolypse is happening.

It's already here.

With our faces in our phones, our laptops and such.

We don't kiss, we don't hug, we don't even touch.

We play these games of alternate realities,

instead of living our lives.

We take a step back, realize what we have.

and realize we're still alive.

The key to happiness, to success,

is the one you can experience, not the one you can press.

So get your ass out there, and live like you're dying.

Because when you're living inside the world of technology,

you're not even trying.

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