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I'm lost.

She cries, behind her eyes

as her lips tell pretty lies

to make believe that she's alright

but everyone knows, she's terrified at night.

She's afraid of the dark,

of the darkness that hides behind her mind

the mind that hides behind a world full of blasphemy

Will she fight to see another day?

Or will she let the darkness slip around her throat

and strangulate the energy she had, oh; how her memories they play.

They play tricks on her,

"You're not enough." they say.

"You'll never be what others want you to be." she hears.

the echo of her own voice, follows her to sleep

as she dreams,

these twisted dreams where she's in harms way.

Purposely she will step in fron tof the street.

just to watch and see if she will die if she gets hit by the bus

running full speed, directly towards her.

She closes her eyes, and waits for the moment,

but nothing happens, and she awakes.

She grumbles, stumbles and mumbles over her own words,

I wasn't meant to leave; but if I wasn't meant to leave,

why do I want to run so badly?

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