Raven's Heart

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She stands, smallest of all the monuments,

But strongest is her essence.

Her hair pours from the top of her head, cascading over her shoulders like a river of soft flowing honey.

She is wise beyond her years

Her body, permitted to live among the youngest of children,

But her soul, effortlessly grazing the skies as if she were the spirit of mother nature herself.

She sings her preamble,

Stouts her own heart.

She is an instrument of love, and kindness,

As her heartstrings are played

You hear the most harmonic of sounds.

She whispers verses to you like you are a long lost friend.

She calls from her earthen home, unafraid; and yet, still so tempered and shy. Sealing her off, away from the world.

She is bravest of the men and women that walk among her.

For she is filled to the brim with vulnerability.

She carries the world on her shoulders as if she herself; brought this planet to life.

She burns brighter than the sun, but faces deeper, darker truths; much like the moon.

She is the mothering, nurtured arms of home, she is the soul of many, caressed by the hands of her God.

She will run from no one,

And teach all.

She is a savant in compassion.

A breath of life from which her lungs fill with effortless winds of yesteryear.

She is. But a Raven's Heart

"A Journey Through The Eyes of A Poet"حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن