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The flame died out long before the embers could dance.

My heart felt cold inside the devils hands.

The weeping willow tree, I used to sit beside,

seems to be my only friend.

My only freedom

Her somber leaves, how they rustle in the wind

a gentle reminder that there are more tomorrows to overcome.

More yesterdays to remember.

My future seems brighter,

when my nights seem shorter

I lay awake,

wishing time would skip a beat

like my heart, when I'm in love.

Did you hear my call?

I was restless without you, willow tree.

Were you beside me?

I called for you,

and nothing but wind answered my call.

Silence took hold of me

and you weren't there.

Where were you?

Are you listening to me?

or am I singing a lullabye of cruel intentions

to myself.

"A Journey Through The Eyes of A Poet"Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang