I'm Not Like You

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I'm Not Like You,

in your fancy cars,

with your glitz and glamour.

With your high rise apartment,

and your food that costs more than 3 of mine.

I'm Not Like You.

I don't have the newest fashions

or the latest trends.

I don't get to shop at the most expensive stores

or try on Dolce and Cabana,

I'm Not Like You,

because I don't get to have a yacht,

or two houses

each at the opposite end of the country,

or a plethora of cars,

who's companies names, I cannot even pronounce.


I'm Not Like You.

I don't get to live comfortably,

I don't get that luxury.

I don't get any of that.

I'm Not Like You,

loud and Obnoxious,

Too much Voice, and too much publicity.

See, I'm not Like You,

because you; pose for the Paparazzi like you're posing for the cover of Vogue Magazine.

and I'm Not Like You

Because I'm not loud,

I'm not obnoxious.

I'm Poor.

I'm not Like you,

because I'm myself, I'm more of myself, then you'll ever be to yours.

Because I'm not like you.

I'm Happy,

Happy in my tiny little home,

with my tiny paycheck, that makes me wish I could do better.

I'm not Like You,

because I see failure as a stepping stone to get to success.

You see failure as a let down.

I'm Not Like You,

pushing everyone around

giving orders like you own the world.

Narcissistic, uncaring and unforgiving.

And I'm not Like you,

no; not at all,

and I never will.

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