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As today is VALENTINE'S DAY I have written a *special chapter!

Heeeeeere we go~

*[note: none of this is canon in the fanfiction!! It didn't really happen... but we'll see, am I right? ;) ]

Four boys sit in a row of black, straight-backed chairs in a plain, white room.

A person of small stature with short, blonde and white hair waves at them. "Hello, lads!"

One of the boys points finger guns.

"I'm sure you all know why you're here?" The short person asks, sitting down in a separate armchair that looks much more comfortable than the seats they're in.

"No...?" A pale boy with black hair and pale skin says, looking suspicious. "Who are you, anyway? Where are we and how did we get here?"

"Shhhh," the person puts a thin finger to their lips. "You can call me WOT."


"Exactly. WOT or WOoT, I don't really mind. I'm just here to ask you a few questions, this won't take long." Wot points to the first boy. "Elijah, you can go first."

Elijah straightens his back, smiling uncertainly. "Alright,"

"First question: how many relationships have you been in before?"

Elijah blinks, his knee jiggling as he tries to think. "Uhhh... I mean... I think I had a girlfriend a few years ago, but... I don't think she knew..."

A few of the boys chuckle.

Wot points dramatically at the next person in line: brown hair, electric blue eyes. "Cole."

The suitor grins back. "Wot."

"Excuse me?"



"...What was the question again?"

Wot repeats the question.

Cole laughs. "Well, in kindergarten-"

"Doesn't count. Next!"

Cole blinks. "Wait, seriousl-"

"Andrew, your turn."

The tall boy stares right back at Wot. "I've previously been in one relationship, but we parted ways due to lack of interest and similarities."

There is an awkward silence over the group, led by Wot not knowing what to say. Wot clears their throat. "Well.... Moving on. Jack Lee?"

"No, I haven't." The small boy answers. "Nobody even approached me, let alone asked if they wanted to date me,"

"That's..... Sad. Whoever wrote your backstory should be ashamed," Wot said bluntly.

"Next question! Elijah,"

Elijah jumps. "Yes,"

Wot positions their hands underneath their chin. "What can't you stand in a person... or a potential partner?"

The muscular boy blushes. "Well, um, I mean - I guess they can't be... rude."

"They can't be rude." Wot repeats, sceptical. "Great."

Elijah blushes further. "W-well, it's true! And... they need to have time. For us. They can go off doing whatever they want, I won't control them; they're their own person, obviously. But... just spend a little bit of time with me is what I'd ask for."

"Aww," Cole squeals, cupping his cheeks. "Cute!!"

Wot nods. "I'm touched. Truly. NEXT!"

Cole squints and grins competitively. He holds up his fist, determined to get a word in. "Well, they've gotta have a sense of hu-"


Andrew purses his lips and smiles. "Something I cannot stand in a potential partner is if they are too secretive. If we plan on being together for the rest of our lives, we need to establish that level of trust."

"And you, Jack?"

Jack Lee sighs. "I dunno. Don't be an ass."

"What is one thing you dislike about being in the castle?" Wot leans forwards in the comfortable armchair, squinting at the four members.

Elijah grimaces. "Well, it's hard not being able to help my family, you know? I'm used to doing all the chores and hard work, things like that. It's hard not doing anything, yeah."

"Surprisingly... emotional." Wot admits, blinking. "And you, Cole?"


"Whoah, whoah, whoah!" Wot says, alarmed.

"You weren't gonna let me fin-"


Andrew bites back a laugh. "A whole new environment with different people and rules is difficult to get used to, I must admit."

"Ah, fair enough." Wot nods. "And finally, Jack."

Jack Lee sighs. "I've been home-schooled nearly my whole life, and I never even left the neighbourhood, let alone the province. It's weird being away from everything I've been surrounded by my whole life. The press is also very intimidating."

The boys nod their heads, agreeing.

"Last but not least;" Wot announces. "Who do you think should win this Selection, other than yourselves?"

The group is completely silent. Not even Cole cracks any jokes.

"Elijah?" Wot asks softly.

Elijah stops to think. "Cole," he says, equally as quiet. "He'll be good for Jess. That's all I need to say."

Wot nods. "Cole?"

"Elijah, without a doubt," He says shamelessly.

Elijah blushes profusely.

"You saw him win first place in the poll. I'm with the public on this one."

Wot whistles, impressed. "Andrew?"

Andrew doesn't say anything. He's silent. Thinking. Then, finally, "Elijah. He'd make sure Jess rests well and doesn't overwork herself."

"Same here," Jack Lee answers so quietly that it could have been mistaken as him breathing.

"Thank you for your honesty, boys," Wot says, standing up. "You may go."

"How do we- THERE ARE NO DOORS!!" Jack shouts, confused. "HOW DID WE EVEN GET IN HERE?!?!"

Extra facts about the top four:


Cole: Bisexual, has been in a relationship with a boy recently and a girl in kindergarten

Andrew: Heterosexual, only relationship with a girl

Elijah: Heterosexual, only has had soft crushes on other farmgirls

Jack: Pansexual, demisexual, never thought he was worthy enough for a relationship.

Why they entered the Selection:

Cole: "it'll be fuuunnnn new friends amirite"

Andrew: ???no comment

Elijah: "money for my family!! Plus she could be nice"

Jack: "ah fuck it, my life literally can't get any worse right now"

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