Chapter 5

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I had woken up in the middle of the night in a comfortable bed, that wasn't mine. The bed spread was red, so that meant it was drifts. I looked at the clock and it was 12:01.

I had gotten up and walked out the door and went downstairs to find everyone.

I saw brite look back at me.
She ran up to me and wrapped me in a tight hug.
She was probably on her night shift so that's why she was up so late.

"Thank god your okay!"

I had pulled away from her.

"Where's drift? What happened?"

"Well, drift said you'd fainted so he let you sleep in his bed, and he said he left you something on your dresser.


You quickly ran upstairs to your room and busted through the door.

There was a big cardboard box on your bed.
You tore it open and looked through it.

Drifts shirt was in there and there were two notes.

The first one read: "Give this to brite, she'll love it."

You rolled your eyes and then looked at the other note.


Y/n this may be really hard on you, but I need you to fight through this.

Y/n after you'd been hurt, I wanted to punch that jerk in the dick and blast out his brains with a gun. So it got me thinking about what he had said, once he's done training me, I'll be way stronger and then I'll be able to beat him.
Y/n I'm going to join him. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you in person about this.

Please don't look for me. I need you to be safe.

So here's my goodbye.

Y/n you are a very good friend trying to stand up to him for me like that, and tell brite she's a great girlfriend and I will texted her at every chance I get.

Y/n I love you.
Please tell brite that I love her too.

Love, drift

As you looked at the paper your eyes started to water and soon there were tear drop stains on the note.

You took drifts shirt and hugged it tightly.
You started crying harder, and harder as you hugged the shirt.

You had fell down on the floor and cried yourself to sleep.


Sorry for the short chapter. Zaria said she was too lazy to write the rest down on the paper so yeah.

You Can Fix A Broken Heart(drift X Reader) - (Zaria And Lia)Where stories live. Discover now